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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. That is a good perspective. I will add since the lines that divide the Iraqis is religious, the fight between them will never end. Islam, has never underwent a "reformation" like Christianity. Until they do the problems will not go away.
  2. Actually the government is making more off of oil than the oil companies are... Where is the outrage?
  3. Why is she still your girlfriend?? You better marry her!
  4. call martin.....then jerk on it real hard
  5. I have a hatchet... come on over
  6. I did not make this up... Straight from the AMA
  7. At least the right does not bow down to the people of NAMBLA, and the Rainbow flag convention.
  8. I find it odd that Sen. Levin says that the Iraqis have a non functioning Government. The Dems have created a stalemate in our government by undermining the President. There is nothing wrong with a dissenting opinion, until it give strength of encouragement to the enemy. Levein also says that Al-Maliki is to beholden to religious and secterian leaders. That is like the pot calling the kettle black. There was a time when the Dems were an honorable group, that time has past. It left in the early 60's. Now the Dems are beholden to every left wing group that has an agenda. Nambla, Peta, ect. Let me rephrase this... " I hope the replace him with someone that we know will never get the job done."
  9. I stopped doing stupid stuff like that at 17...
  10. I will in in the discussion as soon as I am not busy at work....
  11. I had the A/C checked and the tech said the pressures were fine. The truck will not cool down when it is at idle. The A/C just blows hot. As soon as I start to drive the A/C get very cold.... any clues?
  12. We have covered this in other threads.... go back and read or drop it.
  13. This post show your continued lack of basic bible understanding... please go back start with Genesis go through revelation then come back and post. That sums up your post(s)... it is your beliefs, not what God says.
  14. Here is a story that came up on yahoo new this morning ..... We must kill the moose world wide now. They fart too much. click BTW... what kind of an idiot really care how much a moose farts? Well, maybe the same people that want to ban dihydrogen monoxide!
  15. Sounds to me like you are the one who picks out of the bible what you like, and makes you fell good about yourself. Then you want to disregard anything that is hard for your human mind to comprehend. Again I will beat the dead horse for you and say the bible is either 100% right or 100% wrong. If 1 part of it is unreliable... why believe any part?
  16. yea but he fits into the rice buffet. Right next to the General Tso's
  17. Just because we don't like the state that we/they are in does not meant that it is not Gods will. IMHO
  18. pm kirks5oh he may have some contacts for you. The only guys I know in Columbus do Neurosurgery or Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
  19. When you don't have a concrete living will and also have conflicting stories about what here wishes were that is an issue that should side on the safe side of life. Also removing life support and what they did to her were two different things. Terry was not able to feed herself, but she was able to sustain circulation and respiration on her own. They took here food and water away, she died from dehydration, that is cruel. My grandmother took a fall in the late 80's and sustained brain damage. She was on a ventilator for over 30 days. Finally we made the choice to take her off. She died several hours later. She died because she was not able to sustain respiration on her own. There is a huge difference between those two cases. Just think how many people at the Mt. Vernon Developmental Center would die if we took the approach not to feed the disabled. They have a right to live even if it is not easy for you (society).
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