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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. HAOLE

    WTB: M1 Carbine

    What year is it and who made it?
  2. WOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwRISkyV_B8
  3. I was just getting ready to say that was a school, not a church.
  4. HAOLE

    WTB: M1 Carbine

    Title says it all. Let me know what you have and how much.
  5. Forgot this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_threat
  6. Here is your reason... http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c395/chlamor/stickandstone/map.jpg
  7. I lock mine in the closet and then hit the bars.
  8. There is a small computer place on Hudson just south of Morse on the east side of the road in a run down strip plaza next to a hobby shop that deals only in trains. I cant remember the name. They will have it. it will cost about $15-20 or click here
  9. If it goes down for good, I can count on making another 50k at work instead of wasting time here
  10. Yo, make sure you wear a belt and pull your pants up. http://www.sojones.com/news/062007/images/june_20_delcambre-la_makes_sagging_pants_a_jail_offense_01.jpg
  11. HAOLE

    The Flu

    world best weight loss!!!
  12. Kalahari seems to come up as the nicest. It is also the priciest. They are about 240/night this weekend. I guess that is not bad considering that covers admission to the park too.
  13. HAOLE

    Raw Milk

    That is a tough one. The current food laws really clamp down on raw milk. You can look into finding an amish person that sells it. There is a place in Knox county called County Bulkfood (I think that is the name)on Nunda rd 43050 they may have it. Any specific reason you want it?
  14. I am looking to take the family to an indoor water park this weekend. Where is the best for the money? Has anyone been to the coco keys?
  15. What he was running from does not matter. The act of fleeing is where he really got into trouble. If he would have stopped he would have a had a ticket. Was this a felony conviction or misdemeanor?
  16. Better than 1 year getting 3 hots and a cot.
  17. I hate no one. Well maybe spaceghost. Take your blood pressure meds and chill out.
  18. I think he got off light. They could have been much harder on him.
  19. I am tired of people pushing evolution on me. Thorne you are so closed minded!
  20. HAOLE

    Mario Kart 64!

    I got Mario Kart for Wii. It is a great game. The internet play is a winner!
  21. Lanikai Beach Hawaii. I got a Job offer there this week. http://www.portaloha.com/SecretsOfHawaii/images/Lanikai/Lanikai1.jpg
  22. I dont like teflon because of the health problem associate with the use of hot aluminum coated with teflon.
  23. The way I look at it is... Why do we have legal alcohol, and have illegal pot? I bet the reason it is illegal has something to do with being able to grow pot in your closet and Uncle Sam would have a hard time making $$ from it. Beer, wine, whiskey etc. are a little harder to make thus easier to regulate and tax. We spent billions to keep pot off the street and it has done nothing to stop the trade. I find it hypocritical to spend money in the schools to have the DARE program, then when the bell ring 20% of the kids go to the nurses stattion to get Ritalin. Teacher- "Kids don't do drugs!!!! Johnny go get your Ritalin after the bell rings." I am all in favor of keeping Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, Meth etc. illegal. BTW... I am am still intolerant.
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