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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I think a complaint to the FTC will clear up that situation. BTW... they should have used a Getrag.
  2. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    I dont know! I have moral issues with Obama, I have other issues with McCain. I really don't see one that much better than the other. Both are on the ticket because they wont do a darn thing to change the fundamentals of our current government. IMHO we need to get back to the Constitution.
  3. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    To sum up this post. Vote for Obama because McCain is bad. What I am trying to figure out is why he is being treated like a Messiah, when he is offering nothing different?
  4. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    I Did not say I was voting for McCain. Re Read the whole thread and you will notice I dont like McCain either. The thread is about Obama, not McCain
  5. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    I just wanted to take this time to thank the Obama supporters for proving the point of this thread. Thank you
  6. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    That is what I am asking about. I hear everyone talk about change with Obama. I cant see that he is going to change any of the fundamental problems that we face in the economy, Governmental structure, foreign policy etc.
  7. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    So nothing to contribute there about Obama. Your right it is not a good one. To sum this up. You don't think he will do a thing for you and your county.
  8. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    We are now over 10 trillion in debt from what I hear.
  9. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    You got the point of the thread!!! Sir, you are the winner!
  10. It is not that that girl was any good. He was just a joke.
  11. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    I dont like McCain and this thread is not about him.
  12. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    Please stick to Obama Only! As far as health care goes. The Federal government has a history of not managing anything well. I you ran your home or you business like they run the government you would be bankrupt or in jail. I do not trust the government to make choices about my health, I don't trust them. The only way we are going to finally fix health care, is to eliminate health insurance for all. No be fore you fly off the handle at this, hear me out. People choose to afford what they feel is a priority. I would imagine most people on this board spend far more on car mods in one year than they do on health care. The price of health care is artifically inflated because of the third party payor system. If we did not have third party payors you would shop around for healthcare, and the doctors and hospitals would lower cost. Just look at the Vets. They are a cash based system of health care, and plenty of people can afford to take the dog to the Vet. The bottom line is prices would fall back to Vet levels for your health care. My final point on this subject concern responsibility. It should not be my responsibility to pay for anyone's health care beside my family and I!
  13. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    More McCain hating and no good reason that Obama is going to make our life better.
  14. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    I had a patient tell me about what Obama's "Change" slogan means. I cant tell it on here someone will be offended and I will get banned
  15. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    The thread in not about McCain What ideas are fresh? All I am seeing from him is the same stuff that is rehashed election after election. I agree with the school vouchers to a piont. We should enhance the public system. But is the government is not doing the job, then we should be able to take the tax dollars that I pay to educate my children privately. We already have prochoice, so this is not a changing stance in his campain. Same old stuff. Did you mean McCain? If so this thread is not about McCain. Me too.
  16. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    So no answer from you, just more attacks on the GOP.
  17. Massage therapist tend not to understand the basics of business. Rent, heat, lights, staff support cost $$. You have to produce billable services or you dont make $$. On top of that, they need to beat the bush to get people in the door.I think in school they are taught all customers will come to them through referral, real life dose not work that way. All 5 I have fired have been for the same reason, you make me no money, you got no job. I am not in the welfare business.
  18. HAOLE

    Please tell me...

    8 hours and not one answer yet. 22 views, but no answer.
  19. I have employed 5 and fired 5, they tend not to be very motivated as a whole. I wont have another in my office.
  20. And why is that... I see you took a lot of time to read and analyze it.
  21. http://www.naturalnews.com/024427.html
  22. I want to honestly know what Obama is really going to do to change anything. All of the threads bashing McCain and Palin and not one saying why I should vote for Obama. Please tell me how he is going to change anything dealing with the economy, war. How is he going to make my life better. As some of you my have gathered, I don't like McCain, IMHO he is a closet liberal. I don't want any post about McCain is bad, Palian is worse. Just tell me why I should vote for him. Also, since running for president is a job interview, please list past employment history that is relevant to the job. Thank you
  23. I knew someone was going to say it
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