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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Did you read the entire article? So what does it matter if her religious belief differ from yours? You are a liberal, you are supposed to embrace all view and tolerate everyone. If it was a pole smoking, communist, Atheist would accept them with open arms. Don't be a religious bigot.
  2. They ran that story on the Today show this morning.
  3. HAOLE

    Lil Wayne

    yo yo yo, bust a cap, smack a ho, 911's a joke, money. That is about 99% of rap summed up.
  4. We see lots of women in cow suits in Mt. Vernon. Well, maybe they are not in suits.
  5. HAOLE

    Bail Out Fails!!!

    Sounds to me like we have had a bunch of hype in this situation. I think Politics has been the main culprit.
  6. Winner!!! IMHO this is the best you can buy. I got mine from Lasota
  7. HAOLE

    Bail Out Fails!!!

    The correct way to look at this situation, is a fire sale on Wall St.
  8. You spend a third of your life on a mattress, don't be cheap! King Koil is a good mattress, most of the time if you tell them your chiropractor sent you they will give you 10% off. If you are interested in a Tempur-Pedic of a Select Comfort I can order direct through my office and get you a better price. My next mattress will be a select comfort. My .02 throw the water bed away, your spine will thank you later.
  9. Sig, is not my thoughts
  10. I have voted in every election since I was 18. This one has me mad as a hornet. Out of 300+ million people these are the best two? Give me a break. I would love to be in politics but my wife ask that I don't. A couple of years ago, I was considering running for a local office, until my wife and I sat down to discuss it and she ask that I not get involved in it.
  11. They like communism, what do you expect?
  12. HAOLE

    Bail Out Fails!!!

    The banks have been playing a Pondzi scheme for years. They will get what they deserve. Now is a good time to learn not to use credit. Dave Ramsey FTW!!
  13. Good! Let them eat the loses.
  14. http://www.ratemyeverything.net/image/5311/0/rate_my_mullet.ashx
  15. Frats are for people the have small penors.
  16. McCain seemed to get Obama flustered.
  17. Next time you want to be entertained give me your $100 and I will play Crazy 8's for an hour with you.
  18. hmmm...... That is what I have been wanting. Interested in any trade? Like a Springfield XD9?
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