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Everything posted by Pedro1647545510

  1. Well, looks like the Castle Doctrine is just waiting for Strickland's signature at this point. The class D permit seems a little tricky. In the Attorney General CCW book it says a class D permit is a alcohol permit for a establishment that sells alcohol/liquor that is consumed on the premises, which to me seems like it would only apply to a bar, fair with alcohol, etc. I don't quite understand why some people say you can carry concealed in a Kroger's but not a Walmart.
  2. Yep, it's a felony. It's not worth it to run, too many what if's to worry about.
  3. Good luck, I hope she makes a speedy recovery.
  4. Cool, I have heard of some sticky legal issues with the Kroger and walmart thing. It's a mess. I thought it was a internet rumor, I guess there may be some truth to it after all.
  5. I'll help. The castle doctrine is needed. I need a little clarification on the D6 permit thing though that maybe you can help with Cinergi. So as the law is written today, you can't carry concealed CCW in a Kroger, Walmart, etc? I thought you were allowed to carry those places as long as they do not sell beer/alcohol that is dispensed and consumed on the premises, i.e like a bar. Is that not correct?
  6. Is that movie on right now?
  7. I was there. She is cute as hell in person, not much of a body though but she is workable.
  8. Yep, I rode by the one on West Broad and the line was out the door as well.
  9. So the whole riser issue... Who has to the foot the bill? Is it Columbia Gas? I hope so, if their sub contractor did faulty work it should be on them since they hired them to do the job in the first place.
  10. Would it be wrong to laugh at this? I would leave for the time being. Better safe than sorry.
  11. Not trying to be funny but if you don't want anyone to know the address maybe you should black it out in the pic you posted. Although I don't see what good it would do, I doubt there are many houses that look like that on that street.
  12. I concur. I have only heard bad things about Acer desktops and laptops.....
  13. Exactly, why risk the chance for a lawsuit? They did the right thing by claiming it on their insurance and moving on.
  14. I don't think he got hurt to bad from what the news was saying. They said he had minor injuries.
  15. I picked up one of these from Vance's this past weekend. I haven't got a chance to shoot it yet though. So far it seems like it is put together pretty well, I was trying to decide between the Remington and the Mossberg 500.
  16. I agree. I never really looked at her on the traffic reports. Now that I saw the video of her that they played on the news last night it will be interesting to see how she looks on Monday.
  17. People with sleep apnea usually do not dream because you dream in REM sleep and most people with sleep apnea do not reach that level of sleep.
  18. Marcellus Wallace said it best in Pulp Fiction when he was talking about Pride, "Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps."
  19. Check out their website, the story is there. http://progunshows.com/
  20. Did you read the part where he married the wife? She was 28 when they met and married, guess he has game.
  21. I see where he is coming from in a way. I think he is just giving a different option for sleep apnea. The CPAP machine is not a cure but it helps tremendously from what I have been told. Some people sleep on their stomach or side to alleviate the issue as in some cases of sleep apnea it is aggravated by sleeping on your back since as you relax your tongue slips to the back of throat.
  22. +1. Gun laws do nothing to stop criminals. Studies prove this fact as well. The only people that are going to give up their weapons are law-abiding citizens. I like the fact that a criminal has to think twice before deciding who his next victim is going to be, these days you never know who has a CCW permit.
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