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Everything posted by hot_wire

  1. How weird to see this thread. I was bored at work tonight and watching the security cameras. Some dude out back came up to our door, took the lid off the trash can, and proceeded to remove some items that I couldn't decipher on the camera. I went out back to see what was up, but when I got to the door, he quickly went away--with a plastic bag full of cans. Blonde dude, medium weight, about 5' 10. We talking about the same guy here? I'd just leave him be. The reason I went out was to see what he was finding in our garbage... if there were some old donuts or something, I prolly would've asked for half (juuuust kidding) Maybe he needs the extra income though?
  2. Oh, crap! There's a Saab in this game! Pat I'm coming over. It may be time for me to get a 360....
  3. So does this mean that I need a 7-9" rim? Thanks
  4. This thread upsets me. Provided my interpretation is correct, this is one messed up police force. Sounds like the officers need to step up, realize that they chased someone when it was too dangerous and face the consequences of that decisions. The police -not the biker- killed two innocent people. It's disgusing how they tried to pass the blame
  5. Great. Thanks alot, both of you!
  6. Thanks, Pat. Watching that set my intelligence back a few IQ points. Yes, de-evolution is possible. Speaking of de-evolution. Did you notice how the one asian with messy hair looks like a monkey?
  7. Not going to offer more than that... still interested in the wheels though. Which junkyard's picking it up? I'll be out there yanking the wheels tomorrow afternoon
  8. OMG THE LEGENDZ IS TEH TRUUUZ!!! http://www.fd3s.net/rear_seats.jpg Talking from my ass: I think backseats were an option on FD's (the 1993 up model). Not many were outfitted with them from what I can find, but there are a select few...
  9. Just bought a set of Hoosier slicks 225/55/15. Now I'm looking for a cheap set of rims. What's the minimum rim width that I could run those tires on. Could I get away with a set of 15x6.5? The tires have a fairly tall sidewall... Any tire shop workers with advice for me? Thx in advance
  10. This car has the TD04HL-15t turbo, correct? How's that looking? Anybody think that a turbo could survive a fire like this?
  11. hot_wire

    Niagara Falls

    Niagra falls pretty much sucks. I enjoyed the boat ride. That is all.
  12. I realize that you haven't made a decision yet, but if you decide to junk it, I may be interested in some parts. Could you take some pictures of the wheels and tires? I'm very interested (if they happen to be 15x6.5's I'll most likely lose control of my bowels) Just need a set to mount some autox tires on... Sorry to be such a shark you will have a pm if you decide to junk
  13. hot_wire


    whats up marc? watterson is filling up these boards.... nice SHO pictures. ps. susan says hi
  14. Yeah, I understand that. Part of the reason for the condenser idea. Who knows though. Not my invention. Interesting idea none the less.
  15. Maybe. However, (this is just theory) you could put a condenser in the exhaust and recycle some of the water
  16. I hope that this isn't a repost. The idea behind this engine is absolutely brilliant. SIX STROKE Quick basics: The engine has the same four strokes as our usual ones. However, two more strokes are added. After the exhaust gasses have been expelled, water is injected into the engine. The liquid immediately vaporizes and expands. Yes, this is STEAM POWER! The idea is great on so many levels. The water that is injected cools the engine which could possibly eliminate conventional cooling systems (think light weight). Also, the six stroke engine would allow for much more efficiency. Car engines would no longer lose so much energy as heat since that heat could be recycled into mechanical energy. I think I read that it is 40% more efficient... What do you guys think?
  17. People who buy fast cars and don't abuse them even out the statistics. If everyone with a quick car drove recklessly, the government would see a trend and put extreme limits on cars. Also, the wealthy guys who buy fast cars keep the market alive. If a fast car wasn't considered "cool" it would just be the true enthusiasts buying them. In that case, there would be far fewer purchasers which would result in fewer performance models to choose from. How bland would the sports car market be if we only had mustangs and miatas to choose from? So be thankful for your wealthy neighbor who doesn't know how to drive. He makes it possible for the rest of us to have fun. PS. I have that song on my ipod. lol
  18. This post is the best. Couldn't have said it better.
  19. Yeah, it's really weird. I think it may have had something to do with the wet followed by heat. The magnets were "stuck" to the car when I tried to remove them. When they came off, so did the luster from the paint in those areas. I can't feel a ridge, so I don't think its the clear coat (I hope). Unfortunately the dullness wouldn't come off with wax. Off to a detailer's tomorrow. Can't wait to be made fun of at school! :woowoo: GS 93 is still emblazened on the side of my car....
  20. Father's Day. June 17. PS. Don't use magnetic numbers to mark your car. I can't tell whether the magnet melted onto the clearcoat or whether the clearcoat was ripped off by the magnet. Whatever happened, it is not good.
  21. After yesterday's autoX, I decided that my street tires are restricting my run times. A quick glance online netted me exactly the tires I wanted. 225/55/15s with 60% tread left. The tires are Hoosier Slicks and the guy wants $125 for the set (worth $800 new). I'm off to look at them today. What do I look for? How can I tell if they're too hard? Should I ask about heat cycling? I've never owned a set of slicks... is it possible to test tread depth? What else should I be concerned with? Thanks for your help! Edit: Sorry for the wrong section. Thanks, mods.
  22. Chief, today was a blast! Great course layout, with lots of slaloms. We had some intense rain at the end of our heat (GS) but I managed 3 dry runs. Afterward, we were allowed some "fun runs." My best time on the day was a 59.4something. Woooohoo!
  23. I think a little rain later in the day would be a blast. With my all seasons, I could take out some of the guys running slicks!
  24. Autofreak, I think you're running in my class (G Stock). I plan to take yo punk ass down! hahaha juuuust kidding. Saab vs RSX = no contest.
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