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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I'm too busy doing blow by the boat loads and touching hookers in my 600hp ls1 to care about trolls.
  2. Get 2 jobs and pay her to cook and clean? Most stay at home jobs listed are scams or are only for current employees. The only two I ever found that were not scams were telemarketing and assembling products for store displays. Stay at home jobs are in such a high demand that you have to almost be in the right place at the right time to get one. If she does find one please share with us after she is hired.
  3. ... hell no! What the fuck is wrong with people!
  4. Another forum I havnt been banned from.. yet. BRB Edit: Nevermind, I was banned from there in 09
  5. -Call -Sound eager to get the car -Set up meeting spot.. -FLASH MOB!!!!!!!
  6. If you are a member I need your name for a discount on the startup fees. I like the fact that they let the kids swim and stuff so I'm going back there... again. If you can pm me it would be much appreciated.
  7. There is a lot of unneeded stuff running in this thing. I have not charged my phone since noon yesterday and it still has 10% left. Thats 25 hours of battery, and use. I will admit the calls were very limited, but I'm guessing with a normal day worth of calls you could easily get a 15-16 hours out of it (once a day charge overnight). Here is what I did.. -Turn of continuous internet connection -Turn of sync for stuff like stocks, back up assistance, and news if you dont use those apps - Go into running services after powering the phone on to see what apps are set to run. That way when you download new apps you know which ones can be disabled if needed. If you know what you are doing you can even disable some of the default running services. If you dont know what you are doing do not do this! - HTC sense facebook has a live feed.. if you are popular your battery will hate you! Turn off the live feed if you can live with only getting hourly updates. I set my updates to 4 hours. If I want to see what people are doing I can just go online and look. - Dont run useless widgets in the background if you dont have to. Most of them stay connected and update constantly. - Have weather update ever 3 hours if you can. I like to know what messed up Ohio has in store for me so I do that hourly. - Avoid live wallpaper. It looks cool but is a huge battery killer on almost all android phones. Anyone having trouble test this out. Another thing I thought of is to have you look at your connection strength and signal. If you are on the edge of 4g/basic signal your phone will have to work a lot harder to hold a signal. Stopping the constant connection with help with 4g, but with your basic wireless connection it will not. That in itself will drain the battery. Also keep in mind that the fail percentage on new phones is higher. If you got one from a bad batch now is the time to swap it out before you are stuck getting a refurbished one later on.. which will more than likely be a fixed phone from someone that had the same issues you have now.
  8. Update: I've been in 4g since 12pm. 11 hours later and I still have 30% of my battery left. Those of you having trouble try and turn off the continuous internet connection in mobile networks (wireless and networks in settings). This stops the leaching apps from constantly using the 4g data to update all day.
  9. Wish I could root my thunderbolt If I did I would get fired.
  10. Bionics battery life is worse at the moment. The simple truth is the more your phone works the more battery it will drain. Blazing speeds need blazing speed power. I have a charger at work, in my car, 3 at home, and its my secondary phone so Im gonna keep it. If you are the kind of person that needs a phone that will last for 2 days without a charge then every other phone on the market except this one is for you. But at the same time no other phone is powerful enough to give you a full signal on xbox live. The update may give you an extra hour or two but nothing major. Either buy a seperate battery or keep a charger on you. The phone is badass, I was making calls in the middle of the swamp when my D1 and the wifes cosmos had no signal. Plus it takes pics like this!!! http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMAG0004.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMAG0052.jpg Like John said you only have 14 days and this is the first VZW 4g phone so there will be problems that WILL surface. Do whats best for you.
  11. I wonder why yours lasts so long. When I get back I'll have to test some things out. I looked at 25 reviews and none of them got more than 8 hours.
  12. The extended looks like crap http://images.htcpedia.com/news_imgs/af/02/th_e7be85d34ceb5f071744413e194e_182x136.jpg A few reviews have found its 4 hours of battery life in 4g. If you use it youll get like 3 hours. I have my phone hooked to a charger all day so I'm cool. Anyone that is away from a charger for more than 4 hours has to put it in 3g. I R Dissapoint with battery. Ray, the speeds are the same as the droid 1 from my post on the first page when its in 3g.
  13. I sold my x for $275.. this is a steal people. P.S. Dont be suprised if he asks you to take nude pics in front of his cars to make up for the slight loss on the deal. They are however very tastfully done. Afterwards you will feel cared about an loved due to the way Jones strokes your ego with compliments and the well placed lighting makes you look less fat an ugly than you really are
  14. I got a few things from them.. no problems here
  15. If you read the link and still didn't follow the directions I have no choice but to allow the sharks to devour you...
  16. She must be super awesome great to the 19th power times 17 plus 25 then!
  17. Yeah, I'm out here for a week. Thank you for the heart felt birthday wish. Feel free to use my ultra soft toilet tissue when ever you like sir...
  18. I just remembered that I only get 3g out here. If its that bad when I get home I'm taking it back.
  19. Its not that bad for me. I'm litterally on vacation now and get 10 - 12 hours out of it. Im on the beach right now typing to you with my inlaws using their 2 laptops to do work through the hotspot, and a bunch of happy birthday texts being sent to me. We have been here for 3 hours and I have 60% left. Sounds like you may need a new one. Its a 2 charge a day phone, somehow you got a 3 charge a day phone. Just thought of something... what apps do you have running in the background? The battery life is shitty but is shouldnt be that shitty.
  20. Considering it will not be cleaned, technically he is giving away free shit too.
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