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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Wagner gave this thread cpr....
  2. I decline and raise a bite my ass
  3. The weather is getting warm and we haven't hit our 100 dumb threads quota for the winter.
  4. Troll racing... its like roll racing, but with a t
  5. Where high 13 second cars talk about roll racing and people actually care
  6. Thanks everyone Thats actually the main reason I want a saltless system. I would forget to fill it. Nothing to plug in and no salt = less possible things that could go wrong.
  7. After testing our water I found that I am pretty much washing up in well water with about as much chlorine as a public pool I've decided on a saltless system that incorporates charcoal filtering to get rid of some of the chlorine. A few real life reviews would help a lot in helping me make a decision. Heres an idea of what I've been looking at. http://www.google.com/search?q=charcoal+chlorine+water+softener&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=&oe=#hl=en&ds=pr&sugexp=nsp3&xhr=t&q=saltless+charcoal+filter+water+softener&cp=9&qe=c2FsdGxlc3MgY2hhcmNvYWwgZmlsdGVyIHdhdGVyIHNvZnRlbmVy&qesig=fKoAb5zAgNJnPRnKvHujEQ&pkc=AFgZ2tkZQjqh_8ylpLMC6NvyiEy7XryBVeds0LUMab8CHDX3xI6fRAeOHQFiQGAm5-kkT1JgTYKxCaAAm-BniIJRmZ6IlqgcmA&pf=p&sclient=psy&rls=com.microsoft:en-us%3AIE-SearchBox&tbs=shop:1&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=saltless+charcoal+filter+water+softener&pbx=1&fp=bfb0f2453e77dc2a
  8. Heads up guys... With most of the networks if you drop crazy amounts of calls its usually a problem with the phone. The iphone dropping calls like crazy thing started from a problem in New York with towers being overloaded. In test ran all over the network the dropped call percentage was higher, but not by enough to cause a huge difference. 1 GSM tower cannot provide service to as many people as a CDMA tower can. The network people advertise being better when in reality a company like Verizon drops .3 calls less than a company like AT&T. That translates into us believing the hype. You magnify an AT&T drop while ignoring verizon.. or worse, blaming the dropped call on your friend that has AT&T when it was your fault. What people dont realize is a lot of the "dropped calls" are not actually dropped calls. Its like when people blame the network when the battery is below 2% and doesnt have enough power to hold a call. GSM gives you more options, and is faster while cdma will be more reliable once connected. There is no use is arguing who is better. Its going to be night and day from one person to the next.
  9. I think you meant to say "learned from his mistake". I dont think committing crimes accelerates the aging process. It was too easy. I had to do it.
  10. V8 Beast

    Valentines Day

    I said no but I knew I really wanted it...
  11. V8 Beast

    Valentines Day

    Valentines day is for people that are newly in love and guys that suck at sex like Phil. When you have a small dick... say it with roses.
  12. I gave them everyones info. They get their bonus this week so they seem pretty serious about it.
  13. A gun for a non gun guy is not a gun because you're a non gun guy
  14. Exhaust, springs, upgraded clutch, and maybe gears depending on cost.
  15. My cars almost 600 and its no fun anymore. Make a 700hp car or one thats 500hp and weighs under 1500lbs. If it dont break you're not doing it right!
  16. Fuck supermodels! I'll take a fat girl with potential and a diet plan.
  17. I only posted it because it was yellow.
  18. http://www.factoryfive.com/table/whatsnew/images/GTM_YG_1024_768.jpg
  19. V8 Beast

    V8 Beast

    Thanks, Killjoy :thumbup:
  20. Been there. I went to school out east growing up. About once a month we would hear shooting, or a cop would be chasing someone by the school. I still drop to the ground sometimes when I hear fireworks
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