yeah, ideally that would be AMAZING. people criticize us when we are in other peoples business, but then we get criticized even more when we arent. look at how mad people got at us for our lack of preemptive action in WW2... then in a case like iraq, people got mad because we did take preemptive action. no matter how bad it looks when we are acting as the worlds police, its needed. someone is always going to step up for the role, and if we dont... its going to be bad. the terrorism is not going to end if we leave... we are being targeted because of our backing of israel, along with many long standing historical reasons.
the UN is trying to step up to take our place, and try to moderate the international system a bit. unfortunately the whole UN system is very inefficient. if handled correctly, we would have a lot less to worry about, but we're stuck until then. because of the strength of America, we are paying something like 27% of the UN's budget... while other countries are paying a fraction of a percent. this shows how we are expected to be a dominant player, but then we arent meant to actually be present internationally? bs. if people want us to stop trying to "control" the world... then stop expecting us to pay for everything!!