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Everything posted by stevethepirate

  1. lol, abbott gaskets? us 6'ers get screwed with everything. but yeah, window motor install isnt fun.
  2. best bet is to go to a parts store. its like $30. i think i got mine from pepboys.
  3. dont make fun of me i just went on to the knex website, and most of the roller coaster kits cost $60-$100... so assuming you have more than just the 1 kit, $75 sounds like a good price! (i feel really bad for my parents now. i used to make them buy me all this stuff.)
  4. are there any legit places to go diving in the ohio area? over the summer i normally go on 2 week long trips to go diving, but i would like to find places i can go when im up at school. (ive done the red sea(egypt), dominica(west indies), and big island (hawaii)... all were GREAT diving)
  5. lol, 10lb bottle. i wasnt expecting you to go for it... dont really have anything else to trade. i was more just thinking of that as a free bump for something i want..
  6. lol. i'm a GM guy... but if someone wants to run, i'm throwing a chevy sticker on the dodge. lol.
  7. if you still have them when i go back to school at the end of august, i might be interested in one for the truck!
  8. trade for a nitrous tank (NX) and a tin of "papple" skoal? (free bump)
  9. all depends on the market... when i was looking for a car, i came across people asking for up to 16k for v6's... they were originally asking 14k for my 02 v6... and ws6 is just suspension/hood... not any faster or anything!
  10. is he set on a ws6? here is a car that is local to me in philly... not sure if he wants to drive this far, but for a car with 20k miles... could be worth it! http://forum.camarov6.com/showthread.php?t=81519
  11. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38360 its a v8 though.... she needs it to be slow?
  12. i go to school in wooster, but i live in philly (PA). ive debated registering it with my school address, but its just too much of a hassle!
  13. bump. this is great for ohio, because from what ive heard there is no emissions test!
  14. I love arguing about politics. For a little bit of background, I'm an International Relations major... Grew up in Europe, and my parents are extremely liberal... One of the main arguments against the president/America is that we are disliked because of this superiority "complex" in which we feel like we have to be the world superpower. So if there were to be another large attack, while the president might get more support, i think that even more people would just come out and criticize him for whatever he did to make someone want to attack us. In the end, we cant win. the power dynamics of the international system require there to be one superpower, and if the US wasnt it, it would be some other country such as china... and boy would that be interesting! so while we are criticized for thinking that the whole world revolves around us, when it comes down to it.... this is the truth. if the US decided to withdraw our military from foreign countries, all hell would break loose and we would be criticized even more. I've told my parents that if there is another 9/11 type attack, that i'm enlisting... so while i support the president currently, it would take something extreme to get me to drop out of college to go and PHYSICALLY support him. (note, i think bush is really stupid, and the wrong man for the job. BUT, he is our president, and it is our obligation to support him unless there is something we can do to fix it. The democrats are so quick to criticize, but never offer any feasible solution!)
  15. taking off work to go chill with bush, bush, and putin... (the girlfriend, but same town!)
  16. i only use meg. gold class on my car. i love it. i used mothers once, and just wasnt pleased. i recently picked up some NXT (from pepboys), but havent tried it on my car yet. it looks great on my black truck and my sisters charcoal accord though!
  17. does it need to be a big one? i have a 92 dakota for sale...
  18. when i was at school and i REALLY needed to fall asleep (i would stay up all night coughing when i was sick for a while) i would just take a bunch of nyquil and wash it down with some captain... i can never fall asleep before 3:30, and normally am up till about 4:30, which is a problem when i have to wake up before 7 for work. so pull 1 all nighter, go work, and then you wont have ANY problem falling asleep that night.
  19. guess it would have passed if the bottle was in, lol.
  20. bump! i'll trade for a nice set of rims+cash...
  21. they look like stock camaro seats with the vette symbol on them...
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