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Everything posted by LPFSTheFett

  1. Any body here shoot Trap much? What's the secret lol? Have been up to blackwing a few times in the last couple weeks trying it and must say it's much more difficult than I thought it would be. The best I've done is 8 of 25 so far. It's tough!
  2. December 21, 2012 pending the world doesn't explode of course.
  3. It may be blurry as all hell because it was taken with my iphone 4s at night with it's crappy flash.. But this is my favorite picture I've taken! http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/9906/chrisdeer.jpg
  4. http://www.nagtroc.org/forums/index.php Probably find more info about GT-R's here than on CR. I would recommend a 2010 with LC2 over a 2009.
  5. I'd rather do this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt_r-jO3lKE and this guy is crazier. LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShacMAn_HK8
  6. My 2010 ran 11.6 @ 118 everytime I took it to the track. You don't have to be a good driver either. Can be the worst driver in the world. As long as you know how to put one foot on the gas and one foot on the break, your running an 11.6.
  7. not scared, just don't feel like cleaning it lol. I know how to tear down all my other guns, no clue on this one.
  8. My old Business partner gave me his chrome DE and ammo. He never even shot it. Now it just sits in my safe lol. Its a cool gun to own, but i will never shoot it. I don't get to the range enough as it is, so when I go I like to practice with my ccw and home defense guns. We should have a CR Range day.
  9. :nopics: But seriously, congrats gandpa.
  10. I actually dropped that buck off to Oilers for the Farmer, and while I was there I got to try their specialties. It was all really good, better than perfects. But I do like perfects peperjack summer sausage and Jerky the best still. But Oilers peperoni style sticks are far superior and their summer sausage was also really good. I plan on killing a couple more deer this year and will take one up so I can get some stuff from them.
  11. I call it an 8 point framed buck with 10 total points. One is a non typical point, 10th point is a non semetrical point. Had the deer of had that non semetrical point matched on the other side, it would have put it in an entirely different class. Like mine last year was a 15 point on a 10 point frame, with 4 non typical points and the 15th point being a non semetrical point.(which btw is VERY rare, and crazy we both have one) My deer grossed a higher score than his, but his deer is way bigger. It's not even close, I'm so excited for him.
  12. Nothing grilled yet. I'm actually giving the meat to the farmer that lets me hunt his land. I try to get him 2-3 deer. And I just now got my doe back that I killed a couple months ago. Perfects in Johnstown took forever this year. Thanks again for the comments. I'm back out again tonight. Had to run off some trespassers squirel hunting, so don't have high hopes. But you never know!
  13. Sure can, they pretty much all eat the same. Though one this old won't be as nice as a younger deer. The meat will be tougher. Didn't have to track it too far at all! I was slighly worried at first because I saw that the arrow hit a little lower than I was hoping. But in the video, the last spot you see the deer, is right where we found him. And there was a pretty big blood trail leading to him. We gave it 20-30 minutes before going to the spot where he entered the woods. I didn't want to push him. Was one hell of a drag though, even though it wasn't far. Deer had to weight 250-275 field dressed. I could barely get it into the back of the truck. I don't think he quite realizes what he accomplished with that deer and the shot he made. Plus the circumstances. It's hard enough to hunt as it is and it's 10x harder getting a kid on a deer at all let alone a big buck. Getting them to sit still. Then they'll never see the deer first, so you have to spot the animal, relay the information to them, help them get setup the best you can and hope they can pull it off. Just last year I had him on a decent non typical 10 pointer, but it came from behind us. I had to get him turned around in the blind, help him get the crossbow steadied, all while the deer was looking at the blind like "wtf is that? havne't seen that before" He goes to pull the trigger, and damn if we didn't take the safety off. Deer gets spooked and bolts. Needless to say that was the first thing I did, the second I saw the deer. Get that damn safety off lol. I will say the insides of the deer were different than any other deer I've had to gut before. There was a webbing connecting all of his organs to the chest cavity. This carried through all the way up towards the asofocous(sp) area. So much so, it was difficult to do. Was really odd. Thanks for all the compliments, I'll share it with him when he gets up! Jason
  14. http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/9906/chrisdeer.jpg For those that don't want to read my book, skip to the bottom for the video. I greenscored the deer at 158 gross, 152 net. It will shrink some, but should make Ohio Big Buck for sure. Deer had a 24" spread. Not bad for his first deer. So as any deer hunter will tell you, some seasons are rougher than others. I have been hunting my butt off this year and the biggest buck I had an opportunity to shoot was a small 10 pointer. I hadn't had a real opportunity to take my son out because of his school etc, and the place I go on the weekends would be nearly impossible to get him in there with me w/o spooking the deer. I had plans on taking him out for the youth gun weekend that starts tomorrow, but needed to get him up to the Farmer that lets me hunt his land so he could sign his permission slip and meet my boy, Chris. We got there a little later than I had hoped (3:30), but Chris got to meet the farmer and sign the slip. I had all intentions on taking my son out to the farmers 100 acre spot that I have patterned the deer on, but it was taken tomorrow by another guy, and the farmer was insisting that this little patch of woods that was only 7 acres was a hot spot(keep in mind I've passed this spot up 15+ times). He said he sees deer sign in there all the time, so I figured why not give it a shot, worst case, I can do a little scouting before tomorrows hunt. So we walk back there and I set up the ground blind. After about 30-45 minutes, I just wasn't happy with the whole setup. Didn't like the way the wind was blowing, didn't like that we weren't brushed in, just didn't like it at all. If a deer would have came through, it would have spoted the blind and taken off. So we tear the blind down real quick, and go sit inside the corn rows. Much better! better field of vision, less worrying about sound because the light breeze would mask any sound my son would make, and the wind was much better for us. About an hour goes by and boom, this monster comes out. I tell my boy to get ready there's a monster, and he doesn't even believe me. Doesn't get his bow up. I'm like, get your bow up now, there is a MONSTER. He get's it up, I place the steady stick under it to help steady his shot. Deer comes in 40 yards and he nails it! Here's a video. I could have done a better job recording, but this was his first ever deer kill and trying to tape that and make sure he's getting everything done that he needs to. The whole time having this HUGE deer in front of us. It's a lot going on.
  15. Yep, that just further proves my point. GM/Dodge are currently in the process of building a brand new out of date supercar. But they'll kick some serious ass at the mile events! So what car is going to be the first factory mass produced 9 second car? I'm thinking either Porsche or Nissan, with one of them doing it in the next 5 years.
  16. Hell, Traditional Muscle car to me isn't a Corvette. It's a Mustang, Camaro, Challenger, hell the entire SRT-8 line with the V8's. I consider the Vette and GT-R to be supercars, and they always have been, to me anyway. I think Covette enthusiasts would hate an awd Vett Though for people like me that want the badest ass car I can buy at a certain pricepoint, I'd pass on 800hp vett, if it's going to get it's ass handed to it by a laundry list of other cars. Plus for anybody that has had a FAST car knows, it's annoying as fuck dealing with traction ALL the time. How many times has your 10 second car lost to a 12 second car at the drag strip because you launched a tad too agressive. Did I enjoy being able to lite the tires up at 40mph in the Vett and the Viper, absolutely! Did I enjoy my 700rwhp Viper getting beat by a stock Z06 from a 40 roll? Hell no, pissed me off so bad, I went out and got a Z06 2 weeks later.
  17. Perhaps... but that in itself leads to a more indepth conversation about America's inability to keep manufacturing costs down. I'm sorry but if Nissan can produce a 10 Second AWD GT-R, there is no reason GM/Dodge can't. That and they already have AWD performance SUV's. There is no reason they can't make a simular system work in a car. Sure it will add some weight, but obviously weight is not a factor in the GT-R. But like you said, an AWD ZR1(espeically in an automatic) would be insane fast. Add 100hp to a GT-R and that's what you'd have. Probably run 10.3's. As for the additional cost, maybe 10k per car. It's the upfront design costs and trying to fit all that into such a small package.
  18. At some point, Chevy and Dodge are going to need to get with the program and make their car's AWD. For a countless number of years they were hands down the fastest and nothing could compete but going forward in a RWD platform that's going to stop. Look at the new Porsche, GT-R, Lambo's, etc... All running sub 11 second 1/4 mile times stock with anybody driving. (11.2 for the gallardo) Even if the Vette and Viper both come out with 700-750hp, they wont be competitive in the 1/4 mile and becoming increasing more difficult to be competitive on a road course. It's just too damn difficult to plant that much power on 2 wheels. A good example is comparing the ZR1 vs the Z06. 130hp for what .2 tenths of a second and slighly faster lap times. Add to that, your looking at 1-3 years before either the new Vette or Viper are even on the streets, all their competitors will have added another 50hp and suspension tweaks to their already proven platforms. Just seems like they aren't keeping up with market trends. Just my opionion.
  19. On a side note, I have a 2009 Bowtech 101st I'd sell for $400. Shoots like 320fps. Comes with fall away rest, sites, peep site. Everything you could possibly need except arrows and a release. Bow is in perfect shape, good strings. I only used the bow one season and it's sat in the bacement ever since. If your interested let me know, if not it can just keep sitting lol
  20. I get all my stuff from Fishermans Warehouse here in Columbus. They are a good group of people to deal with.
  21. I like my 1911 a lot for a gun to shoot. I originally bought it as my ccw weapon, and it's too bulky. Can easily pull it off in the winter, but I'm gonna pick something else up for next summer. I have a 3 1/2" barrel, and will say the fullsize is much nicer. I'm more accurate with the fullsize over the shorty.
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