old cars are not fun to drive. or maybe i'm just getting old. i hate driving my '85 GT. i smell like shit driving it, it rides like a tractor, and just isn't nearly as fast as my other cars. its fun to putz around in, and go to car shows, but i wouldn't daily it in a million years.
i hate the smell of other peoples' farts, so i almost never buy a used car, when i can easily afford the new one. this may be a dick attitude to have, but if i can't afford to buy a car brand new, i feel like a poser driving it. that's just me, and there are definite exceptions to the rule.
i tried to daily my 662hp GT500, but the car was a lemon, and i had to give it back to ford. my GTR is roughly 650-700 crank hp, and i drive the fuck out of it--daily. i drove it today, and we have 2" of ice/snow mix. zero fucks given. if i get a hellcat, i can assure you i will daily it--at least when the roads are safe. and i will beat the piss out of it, and let my kids eat all over the back seat.