im looking for a diffrent bolt for my Mosin Nagant i hate the fact that you pull back 1 piece then lift the bolt i just wanna do normal bolt action instead of pulling that piece every time. have searched but havent found anything.
if she is looking into a hand gun tell her to get a 9mm or bigger. i bought my girlfriend a bersa 380 (great gun) and she loves it but she can handle a 9mm and a 40. she said her next purchase will be a 40. if she is looking into just home defense a small barrel shot gun would be nice and would put someone down fast. more accurate then handguns but harder to maneuver but if she is shooting someone down a hallway less chance she will miss. there is alot of good brands out there spend a little more for a nicer version (meaning i got a S&W Sigma and i should have bought the M&P instead).
i dont have 1 but would be a good read and then i can fix my buddys when they all die. this should be stickyed seeing all the people asking about the red ring lately.
i guess ill have to buy the box set of true blood for the old lady she has read all the books for twilight before the movie came out. i kind thought the movie would have more action but no.
it was a book? or are you thinking of the twilight series?? i dunno my girlfreind is in to all this twilight and true blood stuff. like i said i liked the show.
i had it for half a day and got use to it. the typing was weird cause you have to imagine a line that your thumbs cant cross or you will hit the wrong keys. if you try to hit the a button with your right thumb it will make it an s or d i dunno why it just does.
The demo versions at the polaris store sucked but when i bought mine i was using a personal storm someone had. mine worked just as good as his for some reason the displays lag like crazy.
well i havent had any lag on my storm like some of the display models it will tilt from portrait to landscape in a matter of 5seconds.
on another note i had it for only half a day then my charger apparently killed my phone so now im stuck with my envy again untill a new 1 arrives with a new charger. i got the international charger and i had it plugged into an extension cord so i can set my phone up on my couch and i woke up this morning and read a text and it shut off and now wont turn on, also the charger plug was very hot. verizon couldnt get it to work either. so i advise dont get the stupid international charger.
Just got my blackberry storm and have to say its a great device. I can view all of columbus racing on this. Almost all sites are full only a few sites haven't been 100%.
Figured this would be a great place to post this.
I have a Dell Inspiron B130, well i have an error code 39 with the Keyboard if you go threw device manager. I cant update it or roll back the driver. the problem is when ever i touch any keys it will diable the keys and mouse but if i dont hit any keys i can work the mouse. So when i open firefox and go to the address bar i click it then go to type and disables the keys and mouse but the computer doesnt freeze the courser is still blinking and page will still load. I have gone to dell and downloaded drivers and still nothing. if anyone can help me out it would be great.
O and im runing xp sp3.
thank you for the encouragement im started to feel like i wanst doing anything in a job im not happy in. I love to build things with my hands i have a welder and when i get a chance to use it i do. i solder all the ecus i chip and tune, im just a hands on guy i would love to find a career where im building something great.
I understand but i think its also the company you work for. my brother works for smith medical and medical supplies and equipment will never hurt in this market. i cant work there because they dont wont family working together. I know alot of places have laid off i was just wondering if any place was doing well and still looking for work. maybe i should look into another type of career.
Ok i have been working as an Auto tech since i have got out of high school. I have been with my company for 4years now. I really wont to go to college for CNC machinist and was wondering if anyone on here new of any entry level positions available right now as a CNC Apprentice or work in the Tool & Die department, etc. it would really help me out in finding my career. Thanks.