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Everything posted by Ef8sirJunkie

  1. Did you get this issue figured out?
  2. yep you have to count the flashes from the check engine light after you loop the 2 wires. -----CEL # List----- 1 O2A - Oxygen sensor #1 2 O2B - Oxygen sensor #2 3 MAP - manifold absolute pressure sensor 4 CKP - crank position sensor 5 MAP - manifold absolute pressure sensor 6 ECT - water temperature sensor 7 TPS - throttle position sensor 8 TDC - top dead centre sensor 9 CYP - cylinder sensor 10 IAT - intake air temperature sensor 12 EGR - exhaust gas recirculation lift valve 13 BARO - atmospheric pressure sensor 14 IAC (EACV) - idle air control valve 15 Ignition output signal 16 Fuel injectors 17 VSS - speed sensor 19 Automatic transmission lockup control valve 20 Electrical load detector 21 VTEC spool solenoid valve 22 VTEC pressure valve 23 Knock sensor 30 Automatic transmission A signal 31 Automatic transmission B signal 36 traction control found on JDM ecu's 41 Primary oxygen sensor heater 43 Fuel supply system 45 Fuel system too rich or lean 48 LAF - lean air fuel sensor 54 CKF - crank fluctuation sensor 58 TDC sensor #2 61 Primary oxygen sensor 63 Secondary oxygen sensor circuit 65 Secondary oxygen sensor heater wire (black wires) 67 Cat Converter 71 random misfire cylinder 1 72 random misfire cylinder 2 73 random misfire cylinder 3 74 random misfire cylinder 4 80 EGR Valve/Line 86 ECT sensor - Cooling System 91 Fuel Tank pressure sensor 92 EVAP Solenoid/Valve/Vacuum Lines hope that helps
  3. 2 pin connector on the right kick panel next to the ecu, loop this connector, must count the flashes they are long and short. if obd-2 vehicle autozone does free diagnostics.
  4. follow the honda service manual to do the testing for coil or ignitor, have you tried using your chipped ecu in another car also? Check your pm for a link im sending you.
  5. yes it will start now even with the solid cell just run like crap i always cut it so i never have ran one with it still in. I replied to your pm if you are having issues atill we will talk more and meet up 1 day and go over this issue.
  6. if you cut J1 it will run the ecu as it was a stock P28 J12 needs to be cut on all chipped obd1 ecu's if yours is not this might be your issue. you will find J12 left of the injector circuit board (the two long chip boards, closest to the ecu connectors).
  7. What all has changed since you bought this ecu. so did your friend chip this ecu and sell it to you, if he has your old ecu put it back in your car to test it. all the chips seem to be there except the datalogging pin in CN2, also make sure J12 is cut. there might be a problem with the map on the chip or a bad chip.
  8. A solid cell usually means bad ecu. but there are other things also that can happen if you have a zif socket sometimes they back off the chip pins so maybe its not getting full contact with the chip. Also the chip could have gone bad i have had a few bad chips in the past see if your buddy will burn you another chip and try that. yes if you cut J1 it returns the ecu to the stock p28 mapping try these steps before doing so.
  9. lol just messing with ya buddy. cant wait to hear some track results.
  10. interesting might look into this.
  11. wow i see this hummer all over high street. good looking truck and nice numbers!
  12. printing them like crazy gonna fill the frige and give some to buddies thanks for the heads up.
  13. x2 Brian you need sometime to think youu have so much going on right now that you need to have 1 relaxing day try doing something you havent done in a while or something you have been wanting to try. something you can loose yourself into besides cars.
  14. this still available? i will be calling tomorrow for sure since i now got laid off again!
  15. nice dog Josh should bring him over to play with my boxer homie!
  16. Thanks for the heads up, if this interview falls threw this Friday i will definitely give this a shot if spots are still available. :thumbup:
  17. I think i know what it is only seeing i have herd about you wanting to buy 1 every time i see you at the dyno. Congrats buddy
  18. Great to Hear, Guess the idle is better also lol
  19. Well im no great tuner either im still learning alot from Brian. ill send you pm so we dont clutter this thread. but i know with AFC hacks the timing is set by there standers so the afc will actualy try to take this timing map and try to make it work. if there was a ignition tuning on these they wouldnt be to bad. I think tuning should never be cheeped out on ill pay for a safer solution so i can play longer and know my car is safe.
  20. WOW would love to hunt in one of these!
  21. Wow that sucks ill keep an eye out hope he finds it!
  22. Rob for the honda world there would be alot better choices then that AEM unit. Hondata, EcTune, Crome Pro, Neptune and a few others depending on OBD will let you adjust low and high fuel and ignition tables aswell as 2nd maps for if you have race gas tune and pump gas tune you can switch between. also plenty of Aux controls and great means of protection when your engine is cold or even if your car leans out. But that unit would be great for cars that dont have the stock PCM ability's to change.
  23. nice meeting you yesterday i know you guys are finishing the re installing the heads today good luck bud!
  24. when i was working at a local honda dealership we had recalls on 06+ civic si's because syncro problems most K series platforms have them. Have you checked to see if there is a recall on your transmission? as long as you are in your warranty they should take care of it but you must put the stock shifter in before taking it in.
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