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Everything posted by Ef8sirJunkie

  1. its ok we are always here so if he stops back in town tell him to give us a call.
  2. Sent you his number hope you can help him hate for him to drive home like this, thanks Josh!
  3. buddy is looking for a clutch fork for a 95 v6 mustang if you have one please call Corey at 614-738-4780. thank you.
  4. G.I Joe looks badass no matter what anyone says!
  5. those rear seats are very rare to find but I dont think it would be worth it unless your making some JDM badass show car.
  6. you suck Josh lol money is money though but if you get 1 rod layin around let me know.
  7. what the fuck are wrong with kids.
  8. i found stocks for decent prices in a couple post above. i just wont short barrel shotgun for defense and fun, more tactical for when you kick in doors lol. ive shot plenty of 12 and 20 gauge i just wanna be different have an assault shotgun with a drum on it i think is just awesome.
  9. really im have to do some looking around then
  10. damn that long. well id still like to do it in the future but i must purchase this gun first and go from there. yes i would rather pay them to do all machining needed i just thought it was a barrel swap etc. how far are you on the conversion so far? I have been looking threw the internet and have found i would like to fit this with a Tapco stock and grip assembly with tapco vertical pistol grip and Chaos package 4 witch includes chaos wave brake, gas piston, & quick clean out, and a possible UTG light. www.dinzagarms.com www.chaosus.com
  11. so i have to get that barrel tax stamped before i can own it is what your saying? i was lookin at tromix site and was wondering if i could just buy the parts to convert it to that and i guess get it tax stamped, im guessing ill have to send it in like you then?
  12. lol i wasnt gonna pay 1,000 for a stock one i seen some on there for $550-800. how do you like them any issues? how legal is that barrel on the short one i thought all shotguns had to be a regulation size barrel of like 10+ inches? with that short of a barrel is it legal to put on a front hand grip? i have found the pistol grip and butt that i would like to put on one of these but i wont it as short barrel as possible (legal).
  13. wow thats a bad machine :bangbang:
  14. Saiga 12 guage tactical shotgun http://gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=120233833 im looking into more information i would like something like this it also can get drums for it. after watching the fully auto shotgun on future weapons i have been wanting a tactical type shotgun. i would like to know your opinions if you have shot this or own this gun please! http://www.keepshooting.com/productimages/firearms/shotguns/saiga12gaugeshotgunbig.jpg http://mywebsite.register.com/db4/00329/elitefirearms.net/_uimages/saiga12.jpg
  15. well what hes doing is dangerous but i love watching his videos, Hell of a rider!
  16. well i got transferred to like 5 different people then a lady gave me a number to the person that would know about it so i called and he was away at this time now awaiting a call back.
  17. lol alright ima float next to ya and not above you
  18. lol mark you down you started this thread ill post up info tommarow after i call them
  19. i'll 411 it tommarow and ill see what the rates are and if there is a group rate. anyone else interested???
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