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Everything posted by Ef8sirJunkie

  1. there is some place out in newerk that gives $90 for small import and prices go up from there. small and large import then small and large domestic. i cant remember the name of it but i think its called smoltes.
  2. Bump for you i wont a home defense shotty but i has no money for 1 right now
  3. X2 if someone shot my dogs and raided my house for something i didnt do wrong there would be problems :bangbang:
  4. his girl friend, and really cool person.
  5. i did that when i was a senior the job sucked but the knives are sweet.
  6. We have a Dyno Jet and good prices if you just wont some pulls. Located right off west broad and 270. just give us a call for prices and time. Brian Turner 614-778-8984 Dyno Tune Motorsports 311 OPM Companies Drive Galloway, OH 43119
  7. yea ive herd of Breaks i hear some weird stories of different ways to make it. some just disgusting.
  8. i dont make it i make the girl freind do the cooking
  9. I assure who ever he decides to have the tune it will be professional as always. IPS does have a bigger staff and facility then us at Dyno Tune but we do everything we can for our customers and those who have had problems on the dyno know Brian is the first to help. I do agree with IPS you should call and talk to each shop that you have in mind and see what is best for you.
  10. I have personally seen Brian tune plenty of GM cars being RWD and FWD he even worked full time for a GM performance shop. He will be currently out of state this week wont be back untill Aug 1st. feel free to give him a call and hope to see you at our shop. Brian Turner 614-778-8984 311 OPM Companies Drive Galloway, OH 43119
  11. i thought it was on some sort of point system???
  12. The Future of Dyno Tune is getting bigger!!! Call me when you get back in town Boss!!!
  13. congrats.. i wish i could get a better shift/job
  14. Rich runs threw my dealership didnt know he would be on here
  15. I was tryin to get into MMA a long time ago at a place called Black Dragon in westervill but i still work 2nd shift and they only train in the evening.
  16. lololololol that shit is great wierd bitch!!! and nice Sig brian lol
  17. Ef8sirJunkie

    Beer here

    I had 1 of the sam adams and didnt like it i guess ill have to try others. i like Blue moon and i tried that magic hat and its pretty good also.
  18. im going to see it this sunday probley at rave if anyone wonts to roll
  19. Ef8sirJunkie

    Beer here

    just got done with a few bud light's dont care what you guys think its still good beer.
  20. cant have a wedding without this shirt t shirt
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