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Everything posted by Ef8sirJunkie

  1. lol already read it before you know me. I would like to say im a huge Honda fan if you cant tell by my signature and i help and learn from Brian at dynotune who is a big Ford and LSX fan as you all know and have no problems co existing.
  2. finally found a civic you would own Brian?
  3. ahh i see so your in relations to his sister then
  4. Hmmm that mr2 looks like 1 at my old work a mechanic at Roush Honda drove it.
  5. wow that is a nice collection that guy has!!!
  6. nice lookin evo and some very respectable hp and tq numbers. +1 rep from me.
  7. nice car josh. i like pics 1,5,6,7. you should have kept the meshys off pinky and put on here.
  8. same place i watched it and yes let it load for about 10 min before watching it some videos will do that 75min thing.
  9. watched it a few days ago with great quality Eastwood best directiong role ever.
  10. wow didnt think websites would be worth so much besides google yahoo etc.
  11. yea true but the Mugen suspension is the best part of the car. seeing Mugen's focus has always been road racing the car had a great motor tranny combo now you get there suspension and wheels i could care less for the wing and aero kit.
  12. sorry but that used 1 was raped i remember the guys reconing the car saying someone just bought it raped it then had it reposed. my opinion its a great collector car that i would let sit in my garage but you never know the worth of it untill your old anyway.
  13. depending on parts some are covered for long period of times. Safty parts like srs equipment should be warranty no matter what year it is.
  14. so the problem is fixed goo to hear i worked for roush for 4 years great company that dont screw the customer there were alot of times i would tell the customer that somethings they are requesting were not needed.
  15. wow there selling a case of Brass 7.62x39 for $257 getting a total of 1,120rds. thank you for that link.
  16. i was looking mainly for something that is a nice compact that my girl freind could hold tightly and not have alot of recoil seeing that it is a small compact. i havent had any problems with her bersa shots straighter then my junk S&W Sigma. only problem so far is the magfs are on back order and i think shes ready for a bigger caliber.
  17. well thank you sir for your hospitality sucks you have to wait.
  18. yea im broke as a joke right now cause i lost my job so until i find another i cant waste money on "wont's".
  19. let us know what you think im a huge cigar fan my old boss was some crazy Russian who knew almost everything about cigars and liquor.
  20. thanks for the good reads. i have the 1 in the first link you have to pull the safety back first then you can do the bolt action. i wont something more like link 2 but i dont know if i can use that 1in my gun they look a little different.
  21. Ef8sirJunkie


    the previous owner used wolf in my sks and i have a bunch also the main problem is there is a lacquer on the shell that when putting some threw heats up and sticks to the barrel causing the shell stick in there or jam. happened to me alot you have to clean it very well i have alot im going to waste but then will probably just buy brass jackets.
  22. so now there deciding to put Gambit in. i figured they would put himin the first or second xmen.
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