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Everything posted by Ef8sirJunkie

  1. no sorry i got it from some traveling skydiver page they have no contact info and i tried googleing it i put the address in yellow pages and didnt get it also. might try calling some airfields and see if they might have the number???
  2. Great pics looks like your retreiver did the same as mine by eating as much snow as he could!
  3. This is the only one i could find so far Flight Dynamics Laboratory 12 Foot VWT ( W.P.A.F.B) Chris Landon Location: Dayton, Ohio U.S.A. Type: Indoor / Fixed Status Address: Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Bld. 27, Dayton, Ohio 45433-7005 Telephone: Unknown E-Mail: Unknown Maximum Airspeed (m.p.h.): 92 Flight Area Diameter (ft.): 12Height (ft.): 12 http://www.verticalwind.com/whp_wpafbcap12.jpg http://www.verticalwind.com/whp_wpafbcap15.jpg
  4. Josh put me down i have been wanting to do this for a long time. ill try to google something if no one has any details in this thread.
  5. X2 i never had time to go when they were open before. what happened they go out of business???
  6. thats what im saying a dog shouldnt cost thousands just to have companionship i bought my boxer for $150 and my moms golden retreiver for $200. Plus im a supporter of looking at shelters first.
  7. Intense video that guy is lucky in the first video
  8. Holy shit! man i know dogs can get expensive but why!!! i dont see why people pay that much for dogs.
  9. lol i wont that closet. and the second vid was to funny
  10. wont be till next fall sometime
  11. Hmm makes me look at internal gated turbos in a whole new light thanks. was always known of the waste gate arms breaking so naturaly didnt think they could handle to much pressure. the numbers on this car is solid and its a great gain over stock.
  12. Nice Car good luck with the sale!!!
  13. lol can we get another link. what happened to speeds in the first place i dont remember?
  14. yea its a repost but still good to hear he got his car back
  15. completely understand but there is also an upgraded turbo on this car and no size was said. i didn't know you could push that much boost on a 14b without having problems with the wastegate actuator, actually thought that was a problem with all internal wastegates and weren't supposed to put to much pressure on them.
  16. true but i thought it has a kit on it now so the exhaust manifold has been changed although a lil head work would do alot. im glad to hear that it holds 25psi on stock internals wonder how much these new motors can be pushed.
  17. no i know alot of people with high boost cars, what is this cars psi stock at and stock base dyno run brian? its got good TQ but i would think at 24-25 psi it would have more HP figured mid 5's to 600 range.
  18. 4 total so far Yugo SKS, Russian 91/30, Bersa 380, S&W 9mm Sigma Cant decide if i wont a revolver or a pistol grip shotgun next?
  19. new show on wwho. its kinda like Saw but a reality show its neat your opponent has to die to get eliminated (of course not for real). anyone else watch it?
  20. im sorry i dont get down like that lol.
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