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Everything posted by Ef8sirJunkie

  1. Not mad not even Jelly :gabe: scummit wouldnt even run without it, when its not losing tq converter bolts :fuckyeah:
  2. you could always open the DME and see if there is a tag on it. wander if its Dinan or maybe Active Autowerks. I know Dinan writes their own code but Active and many others actually just use tuner pro.
  3. Miller WAR is a epic fail! Tuner Pro is where its at! im good friends with the guys at miller but a software that you cant datalog is really shitty! Jurgens E36 was a curveball.
  4. seen that car sitting for sale by that motorcycle shop in lewis center. looks good been on the market for a while.
  5. http://www.motivationalmine.com/wp-content/uploads/tdomf/7175/gay.jpg
  6. Scott as you are correct about the axels a couple of things. 1 you can also get them for integras at the part store. Here is a big question we need to know what intermediate shaft is in the car. if its a shaft that takes a spline he will need 90-93 integra axels. if the shaft has a spline he will need 94-01 integra/99-00 civic si axels. http://www.16vminiclub.com/gallery/albums/userpics/intermediate_shaft1.jpg top shaft needs 90-93 integra these axels work on both driver and passenger side. bottom needs 94-01 integra or 99-00 civic si drivers axel. the passenger axel is the same from 90-01 integra and 99-00 civic ci.
  7. so you and your dad are going for the 1k mark!?:fuckyeah:
  8. Nice!!! i figure something like that would be a good amount of money even if it needs resto. i wouldnt mind finding a 510 or 280z but the prices went crazy on them.
  9. I like the R32/33 (not so much 34) But i would like to have an older one like this! http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/390077_10150463918090993_234578375992_10861264_1388724499_n.jpg
  10. im in for this. Havent had a good cigar in a few years. I plan to get a good humidor 1 day but other priorities first.
  11. just stopped by gamestop got my already paid wrist band. apperently now im entered into a raffle with it. also there is a MW3 tournament going on right now at BW3's in graceland.
  12. I will be at the gamestop in graceland I already pre paid so they say I get a braclet for the pick up only line. No waiting for me.
  13. Ef8sirJunkie

    PRI Expo

    Wish I was! had planned on it but the plans fell threw. :dumb:
  14. Thanks for having us out Doc had a great time. And that Laser was Crazy!!!
  15. do you have a consult cable and Calumsult or nissan scan tech software? if not I do we could possibly get together this weekend and do a datalog and see what is going on.
  16. No offense i think you need to diagnose your problem some more before throwing parts at it.
  17. aeromotive 13109 is the most common and works great. jegs price is $144
  18. 13.5 isnt rich for a boosted car try 12-11.5
  19. Sorry i dont know anything about Emance. I do know Nistune and Nismotronic and calumsult. Start with this if its tuned to a desired psi (say 15psi) if you go over 15 it will lean out since the tune doesnt compensate. I would start here. it needs to be logged so you can pin point the issue it could be a Pegged Maf, to high of injector duty, pump maxxing out etc. And an answear to Alex's question would help also.
  20. either it hasnt been maped out properly for for setup or you are having fuel issue (such as lazy fuel pump, maxed injectors, failed part). Are you running Nistune on the ecu? which ecu are you running??
  21. Miss information leads to miss information. I simply stated that if he ran 124mph and tpr ran 126mph then his car should run the same time. Y U Mad Bro!!:fuckyeah:
  22. the 2 post above me are 100% correct. great car but crappy auto tranny kills it.
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