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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    This Weekend

    I love the ricers though. Its like an accident, I can't look away. Except instead of being horrible and me hoping everyone is alright, its god damn hilarious and I can make fun of people.
  2. http://tsxclub.com/forums/canada-east/35879-warning-help-all-members.html If this is a repost you can kick me in the balls, but man did I lol.
  3. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAGE_086.jpg
  4. I would buy one of those and fuck it.
  5. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/ron20popeil.jpg
  6. sol740

    Gas Prices.....

    Nah, no one bitches cause the man hasn't been in office long enough. Just watch the blame game this time next year.
  7. 10 mill in a case or bag, I'd be off to somewhere remote to change the case/bag out for one of my own, and verify no tracking devices or surprises in the case. Then I'd be home and not spend an abnormal dime for a year or two.
  8. How is everyone all boo-hoo on Obama already ? He hasn't done anything yet, and as long as Obama doesn't attack another country that has nothing to do with N. Korea we should be in good shape. Diplomacy is best, almost always. If everyone had been all bomb-happy during the cold war we'd all be mutants.
  9. LOL ... its not that I can't listen ... its that I don't want to ...
  10. See ... now its a burrrrrrrrrnnnnnn. Yes ... and the Gingers a fuckin giant, I'm 6ft 200lbs and I ride around on him at all the meets like a chocabo.
  11. sol740

    Need ride...

    You forgot noisy. Slow and noisy.
  12. Hmmm ... I want to fuck that bear.
  13. sol740

    Need ride...

    I will driving down Broad, around 430pm. I live in blacklick.
  14. What were the details of this hypothetical race that took place in mexico, on a closed road, and also happened to be completely computer generated ?
  15. Thanks for calling me White Phil ... I always knew Phil was a racist.
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