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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I would but I don't want to get harassed by the police. Video cameras my friend, in this day in age everyone has a camcorder built right into their cellphones. I'm just saying ...
  2. Or trade for GTA4 ... I miss that game.
  3. Such a beautiful car, I'd be fucking pissed.
  4. Fucking hell ... why fingers why ??? Why must you click ???
  5. You are the man, will try to get out there for sure !
  6. Anything unintuitive can still be learned through repetition. Say, over the course of years. LOL.
  7. What a dumbass. I hope you get your shit fixed in a timely fashion.
  8. $30.00 beans and its yours. Though you may just want to check gamestop and see how much their used copies are.
  9. Traded straight up !
  10. I wouldn't, it was jokes
  11. Welcome. Clean car.
  12. sol740

    I'm 23 today.

    Many years ago this day ... something grew inside your mother ... THAT THING WAS YOU !!!
  13. sol740

    I'm 23 today.

    Happy Bday Jerk !!!
  14. I really like it ... minus the out of place door handle. Though I'm a huge ricer so take that into consideration.
  15. Please ignore this post. What Mike was trying to say was ...
  16. Damn ... you had to bust out the sexy toes !!!
  17. Hmmm ... no net hacking huh ? Just reverse engineering eh ??? Can I somehow brute force my way onto the forum ? I can hack PSPs ... Uhhh ... hack the world !!!
  18. What's this girl-sex you speak of ? I am intrigued ... Hey could you pick up that bar of soap I just threw ... errr ... I mean ... dropped, right there ?
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