My wife has one. Spent 4-5 hours in the er last night. Over 2 hours just to get out of the waiting room. Yesterday we were at the a car show at karric sq in dublin and she was getting very dizzy,thought it was heat related. We got home and she was worse,could hardly walk and sick. Doctor said this is what it was,even took a ct head scan which turned out normal. I was a wreck, Its hard for me to go into a hospital anymore after what I went thru with my dad. Anyway he said it could take a few days to go away with the medicine prescribed but I have read where some people have it much longer. I stayed home from work today to make sure she was ok. She has been sleeping all day and I have been doing laundry and house work. Rough night for sure last night. Also came home to no power . Just curious if anyone here has known someone that went thru this.