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Everything posted by Farley

  1. only captured by a minimum of 15 video cameras and $1000.00 bets?
  2. and 8 second car that only does rolls? .... not likly.. and to do 8 seconds.. it would need to get traction.
  3. pfft... let me start off... i hate mustangs. fox bodies are jsut bad ass.. (fav mustang out of any of them)... If its already faster than them..why downgrade? and if you can spend another three or four grand and still be cool financially why drop a butt load on a new car when the mustang does jsut fine? but if u can take the hti and buy a new car and still eb good if somthing detrimental happens and youll eb good financially then u could do it. Id say stay with the foxbody....at elast then u wont be taking a loss anywhere.
  4. Me and a few buddies are comming down tmr Just wondering if QSL is still on, or if you guys are seriously booted from there.
  5. car is an absolute roll monster. and to my knowledge is a few shades above 1300... or so flows the rumor vine in cleveland.
  6. firebird - class D Isuzu - definatly class C... hopefully B
  7. thats almost retarded..... have fun all u married guys. haha... keep looking for your wifes.
  8. the the half breed starting to revolt?
  9. fuck that... a 5 min string of fire crackers in her front yard...
  10. Fuck every lying ass bitch.
  11. thats all well and good till your the one who says somthing and either ends up in jail... shot in the face... or in the back of an anbulance with a broken jaw(see retard in NE ohio for details)
  12. cbus to cinci in 44 min... nice
  13. dude.. u showed up to kinkos like twice... we moved form kinkos to sheetz.. then to birds shop.... now out to willoughby BK. but the kinkos thing we never had there permission... we jsut figured they didnt care.. untill some reject in a cavy decides hes sweet and does a made burnout and gets us booted..... and besides kinkos=suby convention ne ways... glad we got booted.
  14. do what we do up here...... by a shop in an industrial area...... meet up there.... cops cant do shit if the owner is there and allows it.. its industrial.. no noise ordinence(at least up hear)...the cool thing is we have a nice, brand new..just a shade short of a mile asphalt road... cops know what we do and dont do shit as long as we keep it towards the dead end by the shop. ...just an idea.
  15. I showed up last weekend friday and saterday......planned on coming down next weekend and bringing my car and u guys get booted... wtf? aint that some shit...to bad.... i havent even got to match people with there cars..LAME
  16. .......your going to be buying a few bikes buddy.
  17. i hope i am not the only one who thinks your nuts....
  18. just get a 4g powered minivan and call it a day.
  19. 1998? completly stock? 18k? WOW..... ive seen alot of scams better than this.
  20. yea dude.. thats jake as hell 3 years? he didnt even crash.. wth?
  21. i hate mustangs... but that foxbody is even somthing id steal.... nice car dude..good buy.
  22. im saying it gets old seeing old guys rocking a miata...and it coming off like the skittle pack from the west side.. there EVERYWHERE!!! what are you trying to start.. brian?
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