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Everything posted by Farley

  1. Soo.... i am driving home tonight after working on my buddys turbo d series honda... when the typical 40 something year old d bag pulls up next to me at a light..he decides he wants to do a little jump at me and rev up... then proceed to yell at me "take daddys car home it has to much power for a punk kid like you" .. so i get pissed and on green we went... distance idk.. but i know for damn sure just as i slammed third theres a ramp to 3 inch curb in the middle of the road.. well we both hit third about the same time.. his driver door to my front bumper.. well he hits third and gets squirrly and basically merges into my fucking car.. gently tapping it and throwing me into the fucking curb.. dont know the damage yet.. jsut got towed home and i am to pissed to look... I know i need a new rim and tire.. and i have every light on in my car.. and i either destroyed the radiator or busted some line because coolant was everywhere. sorry... had to vent.. i am just sick of old guys thinking there fucking hot shit.... and then when they fuck up tag a car and not having the common fucking curtesy to stop and see what happened to the kid they jsut raced who spun out in the middle of the road behinde them. End Rant.
  2. Farley

    Fall Cruise!

    ive been eharing rain....
  3. thats bs... last augest i had 18 and still ahd my full license. it depends on waht the judge does and his reccomendation to the state. one of my frineds as of yesterday has 24.
  4. check your area for laws about pitbulls.. i had to jump through hoops for mine. and hopefully your in good with your neighbors.. mine ahted me for motocross...and the pitbull put them over the edge. and if you really need to i can reccomend a few vets that will hand you an american bulldog...or at least the papers for one... if your laws are to stringent to try and get around.... pitbulls= probibly the best house dog ever... my little brother used to ride ours around the house when he was younger... we had to put it down though... ended up having severly bad hips... and surgery was only a 10% chance to fix the problem.. plus he was 11 years old. so he had a good life.
  5. hahahaha,.... i wish my record was that clean...
  6. ... this is why i dont deal with dealerships... all of my friends family and my cars were bought through a friend whos a dealer.. goes ot autions.. buys the car... then tabbs the gas bill plus 500-1000 bucks and says deal.. i cant much better prices then that.
  7. lol i love how they talk all about this school shooting.. but not about the train derailment that happend 1000 ft from my house and we had to be evacuated.. no.. of course not.. dont mention that... and the fact it derailed right next to lurizol... but that isnt like a bomb or anything.
  8. Farley


    so i agree with the skeptacism on racing somone you dont know....up in my area there are mad undercover cops trying to get us all the time. and the idea of keeping your license should hold more weight then proving to some people who can back up there shit talking. ......although i cant talk i have 11 points.. but man the shit got deep in this thread fast... where did all the shit talking come from? what happened to line them up and run em and fuck what people say.
  9. id love to see you whoop my ass in some CS.....1.6 that is
  10. ...... two night ago i got a 77 in a 60 .... "tire tread wear"....... no head light...no front plate.... to loud of an exhaust.. yet its "stock"..and for some ungodly reason... "possesion of a poleice scanner" ... yeah talk about getting a fun day in court. even though when did it become illeagle for the scanner and say nothing of the radar?
  11. what about the tried and true ae86? and this ehat problem you speak of... i havent heard of it being that big of an issue. more or less an annoyence to the owner. good luck with ur swap.
  12. wish i still had my 98 vr6... id so be down for this call out. to bad..so sad.
  13. Farley

    Haunted Prison

    i was in mansfield last night..... i am def going through it this year.
  14. stay off frog alley... or the mellon heads will get you. whateve.. until a ghost kicks my ass i am chill. on top of that ill put money down says i am whiter than a ghost n e ways.
  15. woah woah woah woah..... this thing was meant for roll racing? if i am incorrect please inform me. and it pulled a 9.4 on street tread? .....effine a cotton... effin a. beastly.
  16. drove down..... no one was there.. so me and my buddies just went to my cousins and partied..... jsut got back home. .... kinda wish i wouldve stayed home and worked on the isuzu. myb ill catch u guys another time when i know theres going to be more people?
  17. Farley

    I hate Mercedes!!

    x2 shoulda bought a honda.
  18. wouldve gone further.. but mouse spazzed.... 20.375
  19. x2 give me two bottles of everclear and i could live with the money
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