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Everything posted by Farley

  1. if the isuzu lives that long ill be glad to mosey down to cbus for a weekend and waste some gas.... that is if the rear end holds up...
  2. to bad my rear end is in like 50 million peices.
  3. did you happen to ahve jsut recently trade an rx7 for that 626 turbo....
  4. jsut look for the red headed kid rocking Guinness gear.. thats usally me... the blue sti with straight pipe provided my transportation last night... due to the fact my bird ate its rear end... and my isuzu is on hold due to summit jacking me around on a wireing harness... but itll be out mid winter and def next summer for some fun.
  5. is this if the post your saying he was braggin about beating you... i must say.. sam you suck ass at braggin dude... and Rambler you need to check theres like 5 posts of him saying that he beat your car and didnt know you werent the one driving.... all within the last like hour.. you need to chill out... if its such a big deal... hes already admitted the fact he didnt race you.. he dicked around on the freeway against your car.. beat it...if this is such a cluster fuck fix your car and rematch... .... let the drama continue
  6. Farley


    been twice.... i have a blast.... stay out of there red light district unless you want customs to stop you on the way back for some form of an std weve never encountered. the best coffe shop i found while i was over there was abraxxas...(recomend K2 and white widow..both knocked me on my ass.) link: http://www.abraxasparadise.nl/ veyr good prices.. had a blast.... youll def have a good time. city is flat out amazing.
  7. last night was def a good time. shame i tried ending it with a lame party at AU... but none the less a good night. ...that sentra was def badass
  8. thats right..... cool that hes still coming up.. mad props for still going with only two people.... grantedbad showing for cbus.. mad props hes gng.
  9. i HAD a 98 gti vr6... was turbo for a while.. but to much of a pain in the ass.... so i jsut threw a chip,cams and full exhaust at it and ebat the shit out of it... biggest mistake ever was selling that car. looking for another mkIII...
  10. i went to a few private and a few public schools... mostly public... and i bet i am still more of an asshole... .....triple jsut because.
  11. there would be quite a few lawsuites on this point alone... but very true... id throw a trip fit if they tried this with my kids
  12. well arent you just a fountain of truth. x2
  13. pfft... they wouldve been arresting my ass... no way in hell is some hillbilly bacon bit gun toter putting a needle into my arm
  14. i noticed the same thing... hence my mention here.. jsut wondering how many would have there leash tugged and there weekend shot due to that fact.
  15. http://youtube.com/watch?v=ooeqF8zRipI that sux
  16. ....have fun with that buddy.....just hope thats where it stops
  17. good luck with that.. your more likly to bend over and get financially raped
  18. you guys are really gng to run on sweetest day? thats baller... you all have found promising women to let u do this... mad props
  19. lol you in boston? next time i go ther eill giv eyou the heads up and you can come to my uncles bar with me and drink for free.... just make sur eyour not italian.. or look italian... as..def all irish...well... italian isnt as bad as Brittish i guess....lol
  20. if your fromk cinci i am sure you know of the Bum spot.. and CSS and CSR.... so how cna you not find somthing to do/?
  21. the car def looked good at the shoot out. hope your get all the bs worked out of the tranny and such that setup looks absolutly rediculess in an rx-7. and what ever happened with the belt?
  22. i have to find my chord to my camera.. but ill have pics in the enxt day or two.. its not as bad as i originally thought... but i think i am just going to do a quick fix with the rim and fix it over winter.. and put it away for the rest of the year... big bitch of the problem i jsut put the new gears in 2 days ago...i didnt even get to run it.. kinda salt. as far as the plate goes... i asked the local pd about it..and they said we both wouldve been cited... so that to no avail.
  23. Farley


    lol he made a post about him leaving the forum? wow what a douche bag.
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