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Everything posted by Farley

  1. this movie sucked...... to bad rambo didnt come out yesterday i couldve watched it while i was at slo mo for 11 hours.
  2. Farley


    ok kiss my ass.... i just got out of the hospital with a relapse of mono. so i haven been on in fuckin eons. just lock it up and delete...
  3. Farley


    So is it an insult to anyone else that the new nightrider car is a damn mustang... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? http://www.tvsquad.com/2007/12/12/new-kitt-car-for-knight-rider-movie-unveiled/ although... quite a bad ass stang.... remote controlled up to a mile away... one hell of an rc car.
  4. you spend two nights on osu campus and trust me youll think differently.. youll be tlkaing to a girl whos been dating some dude for like 6 months... an hour later shes upstairs getting railed by some dude she met ten min before that.
  5. lol that is sad..... very sad :gay2:
  6. i am either still drunk from last nights birthday escapade or that is a solid deal. if u say 2k for everything ill pick it up from your house(minus tranny)... ill be in brooklyn new years so i could grab it then since ill be out that way. and how much for the trans?
  7. depends on what you want. if u want usdm tt motor and the 6 speed... your shit out of luck and are going to be spending an arm and a leg.. or go with a jdm 2jz(about 1500-2500) and buy an r145 tranny out of a turbo mkIII (about 500 bucks) and spend the rest of the money as u see fit.. i am sure u can find a set of used usdm from someone and then just snag a set of injectors and cams and your good to go.
  8. very true.. 330 usa vs a 280 from jdm. the usa had steel turbines and bigger injectors and slightly bigger cams. (.33 mm) as well as oil pans were different where usa is a rear sump most jdm (aristo's and such) were front. and the usa blocks had oil squirters to distibute the oil more efficently.
  9. congrats!!!! glad to hear its running smoothly again. Norwalk in 08? times and proof? hopefully keeping the belts on this year i hope lol.
  10. pfft happy holidays? 11 hours till i turn 21... and there are like NO bars open... this birthday has screwed me more times than i can remeber...
  11. why the hell would u piss everyone off.. then proceed to talk more shit on here about people who DONT LIKE YOUR DUMB ASS for not helping your ignorant ass? ... dip shit
  12. no.. the system is fucked... no matter how you look at it. I am 20 years old and have fought the system every which way i could... youll get screwed even if your innocent. and suicide is a cop out if you ask me.
  13. any big turbo 2jz......sr20ve very nice.... oh and this.
  14. Farley

    I > *

    i agree to the rules .. accept the part where the guys "cannot" finger? why the hell not? and ill be glad to drive to cbus and get into this tourney.
  15. wheelies through traffic or lane splitting at about 140-150 always get the five -oh called on ya.... good fun.
  16. OK ... so lemme set this straight.... there are people who cheat ... and people who dont.. if they cheat once u know there going to do that again.. is a fucking fact....dont deny it.. ebcause your covering shit up worse then a beaten women in that type of a relationship your better off jsut chillin and waiting to catch them again. only solution is to find and go through alot of hoochies combined with an obscene amount of beer.. until you can find one you can deal with for the rest of you life...
  17. MMMMMKAAAY!!! ... weds of last week.. i wake my happy ass up at 8 and leave for Tennessee to go spend it with my grandmother and a few other select family members.. ok? ... so me and my dad are cruising down 71 and we both got hungry in Columbus for a little something. well i make the grand fucking mistake of white castle in grove fucking city.... never again. one... i have NEVER been to a white castle before this day in a sober state.. so i never remembered the food other then when in college and shit face plastered it was awesome(and the amazing sheetz run..for n e one who's experienced it) Two... it took 21 mins to get my food.. when i was the only one through the drive through. Three...the girl who was working the window.. i swear to god... i was right on the damn curb in an 07 si and the bitch's arms were to stubby to hand me my food..and she didn't speak a word of English.. i was in hillbilly land before i even got to Kentucky. Four... I think my stomach is rebelling on me even to this day. threw up about 20 min on the side of 71 after ingesting this damn food. and haven't been right since. /rant. and i feel bad for anyone in that area.. that white castle has to be like a nuclear power plant and just give off diseases with that kind of shit gng on.
  18. woah that was nws? oh comon now.......
  19. ive had pittbulls and siberian huskys and boarder collies all my life.. and most of them pack style.(minimum of 5 dogs). we are now down to three dogs.. all pitbbulls. they keep the annoying neighbors awa(thank god) and all the people who we are cool with love them. Very good dogs if trianed right.. but then again all dogs can be. so i think its more or less personal preference.. jsut make sure u check up on your local laws.. even a boxer is somtimes coined as a "fighting" dog and special insurance is needed.
  20. Links only to NWS pics, please. -Vince http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r177/cpence20/OSU-FMichigan.jpg
  21. irish car bombs... bazooka bombs.. and of course some grey goose on ice... but i am about to stumble into some jameison
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