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Everything posted by Farley

  1. that fox body is bad ass. mad props for wanting to autocross a foxbody. itd be nice to see more of those then a pack of miatas running around.
  2. .... i dont have a choice to or not work sundays... its called fucked weekends.. they lock us into the building friday at 6 until the copy over or update is finnished and tested.. then we can leave... but for 15k more a year.. id def do it
  3. Farley

    halo 3

    halo is sweet.... many a drunken night has been wasted upon this game through college. havent played halo 3 yet.. but i am sure its good.
  4. give him a 360 and halo 3 ......hell be set for a while.
  5. heres the link : http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=3643341 Heres the story... Porsche Driver Jailed for 172 mph A rental car worker who was clocked at 172 mph in his company's Porsche was ordered jailed Monday for 10 weeks. Tim Brady, 33, who was caught Jan. 27, became the fastest speeder ever convicted in Britain. He beat the previous record 156 mph set by car dealer Jason McAllister in 2003. Brady was caught driving the $198,000 Porsche 911 Turbo, which he took from his employer, luxury car rental firm HelpHire PLC, authorities said. Brady had nagged his boss to take the Porsche out the day before, but was repeatedly told no, authorities said. Judge David Morton called the act "criminally self-indulgent." "(You were) utterly thoughtless of the danger you might be creating for the innocent," he told Brady. Brady, who admitted to dangerous driving, was banned from driving for three years and will have to take a new driving test before taking to the road again. He quit his job a day after he was caught.
  6. lol pretty sad he cant find a frat mattress for free in columbus....epecially when i heard it was over 20 bucks to add to it.. hahaha. Fucking loser.
  7. mcrae.....force.... whos next? that sux
  8. Farley

    Friend or Fake?

    .....must be driver skill..... or lack thereof
  9. Farley

    Friend or Fake?

    define carefully? sideways on onramps is careful.... doing ricer flybys banging gears is careful...mad burnouts is careful....its all about perspective view.most people would frown upon this. and fyi everything is a minor issue with a mustang...because u guys are jsut happy if it starts up the next morning.
  10. sounds interesting i might have to make my way up there tonight
  11. college is over..... I am done with halo.
  12. Farley

    Friend or Fake?

    +5 this is so true... the best is when your friends screw you over.....and then u leave them out to dry... i kinda relish in Revenge. "Revenge is a meal best served cold"
  13. Farley

    Friend or Fake?

    text breakups FTMTW!!!!!! :woowoo:
  14. Farley

    Friend or Fake?

    oh so true. especially the sitting next to you in jail part. Amy, it doesnt matter how much you go through, the hardships you come across or the shit that blows up in your face...no matter how shitty shady or fucked up shit is..... your true friends, the people who will be there forever, the people who really care will be there...no matter what.....and what most of the public would judge you on would go down easier then cheesy tots at sonics with your "true friends".
  15. Farley

    Friend or Fake?

    + 39873985794857934875938479 My best friend happens to be going through somthing similiar, and ive been there from the start. I used to call off random days of work and entertain......i did end up getting fired after a while. but your right its mostly about keeping them happy and stressfree. and for me and my friend... that means alot of quiznos and driving from willowick to cleveland like retards lol. the only real way to judge your friendship with others are the sacrafices your "friends" make for you....
  16. stay off the east side of cleveland... its officially a nightmare for anyone to do anything car related. there now running ford explorers as traffic survalence for actual cops.
  17. in cinci there worth 81 bucks a peice no questions asked....scrapyard
  18. Farley

    the fear of 7

    Sweetie, can i look through your phone? Why did you delete all your texts? Nick, who just awnsered your phone? Nick, whos the girl in the background?
  19. Farley

    Fall Cruise!

    define please "central" location from C town.....lol just gimme directions and ill be good
  20. Farley

    Fall Cruise!

    second weekend in october would be sweet.
  21. i agree anything under or up to 100 isnt really that big of a deal.. at least for me.. and usally doesnt cause to much shit..myb a little more shit tlaking but thats about it. and as long as your not racing some asshole whos to hto headed to understand its a race.. big deal.
  22. fuck that shit.... 4 drill bits and a trip to sears.. with a 600 dollar value for free.. its a beer and cheddar worst time..thanx... sears hardware has no cameras and a homie hookup is sweet. .....stop lying about the shades.
  23. she probibly jsut wants a free pair.. dont le her lie.
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