They left at the same time due to mutual mistrust. Why didn't the first car to jump win? Why didn't the other when he jumped and the first one stayed put?
If it's because the other didn't chase, then why did they leave early at the end? If it's not a race without a chase, then just wait for the arm drop. If the other goes, just stay put and he'll have to go again.
Seems to be a lot of holes in "A Chase is a Race." That's a LOT to hammer out before each and every race. You have to cover what's an acceptable start, what isn't, and under what conditions these rules can be tossed out.
I mean, if they can leave early, but it's not a race if the other guy doesn't, then what's to stop someone just waiting for armdrop and staying put if the other guy leaves? Just sit there, let the other guy keep jumping, chewing his tires up and overheating? Is a situation like this covered before a race?
Seems like a LOT of trouble when there's a ruleset already in place. Hell, if the start's ambiguous, is the finish? Just stop halfway and say you finished early.
I guess my issue is, how do you guys determine a winner and if the race was clean? You can't hammer out a custom ruleset taking in every eventuality before every race. I understand discussing things like power adders, but the basic rules of a drag race?
Car A leaves before Car B is staged. Who wins?
Car A waits for the armdrop, but Car B leaves when the starter's arms are in the air. Who wins then?
Car B leaves when the arms are up, but Car A stays put when the arms come down. Car B again?
It's no mystery to me now why grudge matches are NEVER settled. With mutable rules, the losing side will ALWAYS have a reason to call the race invalid.