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Everything posted by Draco-REX

  1. Draco-REX

    wrx is back.

    Sweet. Trade you my WRX.
  2. It's going to suck for any good 3D game. A mobile 7150 is as low-end as you can get for the last generation of GPUs. But if you don't plan on doing any 3D applications, then it won't matter.
  3. Is this going to die on the vine?
  4. If anything, that car makes me think it should have KARR inside, not KITT.
  5. Oh hell, why not, I'll roll with my new 'beater.' Just say when and were to meet.
  6. Now there's a good candidate for a 4G63T swap..
  7. Easy to figure out, tough to do. A deck of cards comes pre sorted, and it's possible to "shuffle" a deck without disrupting the order. That's the type of shuffle he does the most in that video. WHenever he does riffle the deck, you'll see him taking a peek at the cards so he knows what order they're mixing. As for the cutting, when he collects the halves of the deck, he doesn't let them completely line up. Then he does his 3-block walk, each time flipping the halves over each other. An odd number of flips after the cut will return the deck back to the way it was. The last guy to cut almost put a wrench in his works by aligning the halves, but he managed to stop him before he lost the split. Lots of practice needed for this, but it relies on basic card handling tricks.
  8. I have both, and I try to get HD-DVD whenever I can because I don't like they way Sony does things. But I've been finding more and more of the movies I want on the Blu-Ray side of the isle than the HD-DVD side.. :/ I'm just worried that once Sony feel that they have a lock on the HD movie market, they'll start wanting more royalties and movie prices will go up rather than down. Remember, Sony is the company that thought it was a good idea to compromise the computers of all their *LEGITIMATE* customers in some strange plan to curb piracy.
  9. Can't fix the thread titls.. oh well.
  10. Honestly, it seems like some people buy these hot cars just to crash them. One of the first few 08 STIs has been totaled also.
  11. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1788040
  12. Just saw the men's pyramid. Moli was being tossed like a toy by Titan, but he was smart and nearly picked him off by making him run past Jeff and Wolf.
  13. No kidding.. For having a "signature move" she sure does suck at Hang Tough.
  14. Crush is hard core. http://blog.morristsai.com/2008/01/american-gladiators-crush.html I can't believe they are using those backpack cameras. What is this, 1980? Even the old AG used the self contained lipstick cameras that the NFL tried out for a while. I don't see why they need those awkward backpacks. I'm waiting for one of these gladiators to just punch Jeff out.
  15. I'm running about a half hour behind here.. So far, it's pretty cool. Seems the red spandex is charmed while the blue is cursed.. Damn Crush is hot. Love her hair. As for The Eliminator, it's pretty cool, but the "Barrell Roll" is straight out of Ninja Warrior, even the two 1-foot drops. I can't believe Koya couldn't make it up the incline. Both girls nearly died there. LOL at the firefighter swimming. Shouldn't he be able to climb well also? Too bad the skateboarder was so disappointing. None of these contestants would pass Stage 1 on Ninja Warrior. I'm really glad I'm watching this via my DVR, so many commercials. Wel, first half done. It's much like I remember, they didn't mess with the theme much. But I still prefer Ninja Warrior, though it is difficult to compare the two beyond the Obstacle Course angle.
  16. Oh that's a must-have in an animated .gif
  17. Don't feel too safe as a road cyclist. Some cities use drainage grates with long parallel grates rather than the waffle-type. Normally they're set pointing across the street. But one time I was riding and some DPW dumbass put it back in running the same direction as traffic. Those gaps are the PERFECT width for a road bike tire. I don't know how I got across it. Luck was with me that day.
  18. Faces of stupidity is more like it. That series was YouTube before the internet. In one I saw, some guy tried to jump a rocket-assisted Lincoln across a 1mi wide river. He welded little stubs of wings to the *doors*. Anyone want to guess what happened when we hit the end of the jump? You get three guesses and the first two don't count. The wind hit the under side of the car, flipped it, ripped off those stupid little wing stubs, and pretty much destroyed the car in mid air. DUH! ANother I saw was about some dude that climbed into a tiger or lion cage at the zoo..
  19. OK, I have some pictures available. I was wrong about the mileage, it's 80,000. You can see them here. The car's a mess, I havne't removed my stuff yet. Oh, and ignore the stupid pedals. I wanted bigger ones to practice heel-toe and they were really cheap.
  20. Not at the moment, I'll put some up tomorrow. I also forgot to mention that the tires have plenty of tread left.
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