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Everything posted by B3NN3TT

  1. Probably find a great deal on a 9-2x Saabaru. Also, I'll always remember the guy who brought his SRT Cherokee to CMS for autocross; that thing hustled.
  2. I haven't seen Phantom Thread yet, but Paul Thomas Anderson is my spirit animal. And I think Franco is outrageously overrated these days. 13 noms for Shape of Water makes me happy, though. Must have been a lean year for animated features...
  3. I used to use 44K in my daily about once a year, a while back. 44K is good stuff.
  4. I've owned my Bullitt for 5 years now, never had a front plate. Bought it from Indiana, so it didn't have one when I bought it, and I wasn't going to install it. No issues. I got 2 tickets in the Cougar for it though, in about a year's time. But it's obviously modified for autocross, so it tends to bring out the worst in people.
  5. Just curious - why can't the family ride in a hatchback? They still have 4 doors and a back seat...
  6. Lol, thanks! People keep telling me this, but I have never seen it happen. Maybe someday someone will get it on video...
  7. Every time I race here I ruin a set of tires > Fun times! Glad the rain held off.
  8. Looks like rain... anybody ever race on slicks in the wet?
  9. For now, there are extensions for Chrome and Firefox that will bypass Photobucket's BS and allow the browser to display their images as normal. I installed it for Chrome; works like a charm. I'm sure they will get it banned, or override it, at some point; but for now, it's great. Consult the Extensions section for your browser of choice and get on it. Hope this helps.
  10. B3NN3TT

    Hey now

    Definitely pre-03, unless the bumper has been replaced. I'm guessing a 99?
  11. I believe the entry is $35, or $30 if you're a Ford Owners Club member.
  12. 20 runs was nuts. I corded my street tires
  13. Ugh, I'm getting so tired of WOW's BS. I guess the licensing fees for BBC America were unbelievably exorbitant, so they dropped it. I have just been torrenting it for the time being, since I have no other options.
  14. They might look a little better as a 2-door, but the 4 door makes the sides too broad, and the chopped-off rear fender flare is really unfortunate.
  15. Dealership, or capable locksmith, has to re-program a new transponder key. That means either a house call or a tow, unfortunately. If you have 2 transponder keys already, you can program all the extras you want at home. But if you have only one (or none) you have to take it to the pros.
  16. Thanks! Yeah, I've been up there for the past 2 years. I got 4 tickets this year, but I only need two now, so I'm trying to recoup some finances for that. Series has been really competitive this year! Should be a good race weekend.
  17. These are General admission tickets, good for Fri-Sat-Sun, July 28-30. Does not include paddock access, but you can add those passes on-site if you wish. They are selling online now for $75 each. Asking $60 each.
  18. It makes it even worse that you can't open the windows for a while once the job is finished, which just bakes it into the interior.
  19. I had my SVT Focus done at A to Z. Price was good, and they did a fine job, but the smoke stink was pretty potent for a few days afterwards...
  20. There is one in white parked at the business next door to mine nearly every day. Same person also drives a dark blue California as well.
  21. I'd guess you need to get rid of that stock pea-shooter turbo to make any real power. But then you get the lag...
  22. Love how that torque is all in by 2500. I need a tune for my ST...
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