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Everything posted by B3NN3TT

  1. SPEAKING OF CLUBS - the Miata club just released a bunch of dates for 2016 this week. I didn't look that closely, but they were all added as events on their Facebook page.
  2. They drove Doc's Slingshot once last year at UFO. Although that would not be legal in the SCCA - you have to have a 4-wheeled vehicle for that...
  3. Ha! There are usually about 1/3 Ford-powered vehicles at the UFO events. Maybe even less. I even brought the FIAT once...
  4. Aw, man; that's way better than Chris Evans. Pretty pleased with this info!
  5. Aaron and Zack put together some nice course designs for UFO last season. Nice to see somebody shaking up that speedway a little. Looking forward to next year.
  6. I've been having a ball reading about how his extended Carmax warranty on the Range Rover is going to bankrupt Carmax before it's over. The Hummer/Skyline columns this year have been ho-hum for the most part, precisely because—as mentioned—DeMuro is more of an armchair car-guy. Would be more entertaining to me if he got his hands dirty every once in a while.
  7. I read Clay's posts in Doug DeMuro's voice...
  8. If it's in your neck of the woods: http://www.timmysmeltdown.com/
  9. Just checked Gas Buddy. Cheapest Regular in my vicinity is Ghetto BP at Hague & Sullivant, at $1.67. Conversely, their Premium is $2.37, a 70¢ difference. The BP in Grandview is the closest station to me. Their Regular is $1.85, but their Premium is only $2.28 - only 43¢ difference. So what gives with these places?
  10. I filled up there on Sunday; regular was $1.57. Premium is astronomically higher than that, though. Am I just out of touch, or did it used to be that Plus was normally 10¢ more than Regular, and Premium was 10¢ more than Plus? When did it become like a 75¢ span?
  11. B3NN3TT

    Walking Dead

    They just cast Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan for next season, so I'm in for the beatdown.
  12. Ha! I saw that at National Trail a couple of weeks ago. That's... different.
  14. This sums up a lot of my feelings as well; thanks Kale. Although I still don't post often anyway... :fa:
  15. Getting a little daylight under that right rear... http://i.imgur.com/pTIgz5V.jpg Broke welds on both front struts that day.
  16. I have 2 sets of MPow Swift buds. They have a 4+-star rating on Amazon, and usually run about $20 a pair. Good battery life, good sound, good price.
  17. OVR-SCCA divisional event at NTR that day.
  18. No spare in my 2008 GT either. They have been doing that for a while.
  19. I don't think I'm ever going to warm up to black wheels on anything. Otherwise - what a great upgrade! The FiST was no slouch, but this is another league entirely. Very cool.
  20. Netflix is too busy throwing money at Marvel Studios. After the success of Daredevil this summer, they have announced that they will be releasing a new Marvel series every six months for the foreseeable future.
  21. Forgot about this thread. Some kind soul took this one at OSU recently. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/27/b03e83e91106f0970c1b5768e116e118.jpg
  22. I'm going on Saturday. Should be a good show.
  23. I would do this, but usually the free shipping with Prime far outweighs any sales tax; I would rather pay sales tax than shipping costs. Still kind of a bummer to have that added in, after so long without it.
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