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Everything posted by evil8

  1. That stuff varies site to site. Admin is tha bauce and can do whatever they want. Supermods and mods are limited to what powers the Admin gives them.
  2. He is a good dude. I've known him for quite a while and likes things all nice and pretty. He doesn't half ass anything, so improvements will be forthcoming. Limited 8.5 5.60-6.20s X275 5.40s-5.00s' OLS 5.20s - 4.20s
  3. Bring me a cinnamon roll from North Shore bakery and I will get ya in. I will get the rest of the details now that the New Owner of Kilkare has been officially announced.
  4. The base Corvette calipers are the same as the z28 calipers. Fronts.
  5. No facial hair. http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/evil8/dilllldo.jpg
  6. Wow, is that school district lacking in talent. Scrubs like that couldn't even be bench warmers in my neighborhood.
  7. What if I ran out of cigarettes? Pissed.
  8. Banana Stand?? http://cdn.head-fi.org/9/9a/9a5e92e2_img1601bc.jpg
  9. Slower than a below average driver would achieve.
  10. evil8

    Torpedo heater?

    I have a 30 x 55 garage I heat with a 375,000 btu Master LP torpedo. Quieter and "less stinky" than propane. Heats up my garage in about 3 minutes.
  11. evil8

    UFC 141 Tonight

    I will be at a buddys house in Beavercreek, but we can live chat on our Ipod Touchs.
  12. Baldie is the only legit guy on Cleveland Racing. Ur not Baldie.
  13. Dates are as follows: May 12th Season Opener June 16th July 21st August 18th September 15th October 13th We are compiling a list of prospective competitors for the 3 classes next year. I would like to compile a list of the guys on CR that are planning on heading down. Limited 8.5 X275 Outlaw Limited Street
  14. evil8

    Black WRX Hatch

    Move over. We have enough oldies clogging up the fastlane.
  15. My boxer swims and drinks at the same time. Talent.
  16. 6 points...rollbar 10 points....rollcage
  17. You can run down to 10.00 with a roll bar as long as the stock floorpan and firewall are unmodified. Cage is not required until 9.99.
  18. I believe the entire story except for the dogs being in restraints.
  19. I about wore out the rewind button on the dvr earlier watching that over and over. Thats got play of the year all over it.
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