Alright, I approve of this thing.
Anyways, heres the video of me using it. It wasn't properly calibrated at the time cause I set it for my cars default weight. Then I also had my friend holding the camera (who sucks at holding the camera, especially at the end when i was braking) and his girlfriend (who was saying dirty things to my friend) in the back seat. So probably had 400lbs extra on it, which through off the calibration a whole lot (and my 0-60 time)
(note, at the end I say "i didn't have it recording) i was referring to the g-force screen, which was unchanged)
So for a program that works entirely on accelerometers, I bet you could get some pretty accurate results if you had it calibrated perfectly and all the right data. Also, I had no idea what my drivetrain loss was so I just put 20% like they did in the video.
A feature I liked is all the different screens, the G-Force thing was hella fun to play with. I was able to get 1.1 G's on braking which I don't know if thats a reasonable number or not, but probably so cause I was braking VERY hard on fresh, awesome tires. I could probably get even better results if I tried more, but I think I've done enough wear and tear on my car today
One thing that worried me is it said my cars peak HP was 150. Should be more around 200. That's still probably due to some calibration errors and me not entering the right data (If I entered estimated HP instead of drivetrain loss, I bet it would be more accurate. Takes 20% off 200 and your near 150)
Overall, for $12, or free if you know what your doing I'd say its totally worth checking out. Especially if you have an awesome ipod/iphone mount in your car. Just keep your eyes on the road.