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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. That was sick how fast he was. He started waving to the crowd like 20 meters before he was done. He could of done it faster if he didn't stop till the end but damn even that was incredible.
  2. I showed up. I don't care that I didn't know any of you so I brought a friend along. Good for me to get out for once.
  3. GPS Only No ipod touch fun for me. Oh well. looks like a pretty cool app for $.99.
  4. unfunnyryan


    What was the process to get the scratches out? I feel like taking the day off tomorrow to take out scratches.
  5. I saw a similar ricer when I went to sams club on sawmill to get new tires a bit ago. People in the car were dressed the same way as well. Hopefully they haven't reproduced yet cause it probably wont be long before they somehow remove themselves from the gene pool.
  6. Might show up. My brother needs a new phone anyways.
  7. Problem fixed. I had 2 boots switched onto the wrong plug (plug 1 was on cylinder2, plug 2 was on cylinder1). I should of written something down beforehand because there was no information available on which plug boot went where, other than the different wire lengths that restricted where you could put some of them. Lesson learned and problem solved. (I did have to drive back to advanced auto and clear all the misfires with their OBDII reader though)
  8. In the arlington area. I just changed out plugs on my car and now running very rough with a check engine light. I'd be more specific but I can't find what the problem is at this point.
  9. That reminds me that I have an IPCop update to do....
  10. Chinese labor is even cheaper when it doesn't need to be shipped!
  11. Alright, I approve of this thing. Anyways, heres the video of me using it. It wasn't properly calibrated at the time cause I set it for my cars default weight. Then I also had my friend holding the camera (who sucks at holding the camera, especially at the end when i was braking) and his girlfriend (who was saying dirty things to my friend) in the back seat. So probably had 400lbs extra on it, which through off the calibration a whole lot (and my 0-60 time) VIDEO HERE http://www.ryanhallarn.com/videos/ipod.html (note, at the end I say "i didn't have it recording) i was referring to the g-force screen, which was unchanged) So for a program that works entirely on accelerometers, I bet you could get some pretty accurate results if you had it calibrated perfectly and all the right data. Also, I had no idea what my drivetrain loss was so I just put 20% like they did in the video. A feature I liked is all the different screens, the G-Force thing was hella fun to play with. I was able to get 1.1 G's on braking which I don't know if thats a reasonable number or not, but probably so cause I was braking VERY hard on fresh, awesome tires. I could probably get even better results if I tried more, but I think I've done enough wear and tear on my car today One thing that worried me is it said my cars peak HP was 150. Should be more around 200. That's still probably due to some calibration errors and me not entering the right data (If I entered estimated HP instead of drivetrain loss, I bet it would be more accurate. Takes 20% off 200 and your near 150) Overall, for $12, or free if you know what your doing I'd say its totally worth checking out. Especially if you have an awesome ipod/iphone mount in your car. Just keep your eyes on the road.
  12. I just put this on my ipod. I'm going to go and test it out it a bit. I'll post a video of it too when I'm done.
  13. http://tinyempire.com/notes/ntldrismissing.htm Your system may also be trying to boot from the wrong drive if you changed around IDE cables or jumpers.
  14. I was out walking my dog last night and saw a lot of that storm way out to the west before it hit columbus. It was pretty neat watching all the bolts of lightning in the sky.
  15. Cool, now you can exercise your dog and give it a bath at the same time with minimal effort.
  16. Wow, VERY clean car you have there. Hard to believe its 17+ years old.
  17. Mine works without the little safety board, however, it is much slower with out it.
  18. My *fast* level 18. EDIT: I posted the wrong link sorry. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=184945
  19. I got to the final level. I spent a good 4 hours or more getting to that point. Fuck the last level.
  20. A friend of mine got his house raided because he had received an email from some one who was doing community service at the municipal center. Email contained a file with officer names. They seized all computer equipment in the house and broke 4 doors. Two other people got their houses raided for receiving the email as well. None of them will ever get any of the seized computers back.
  21. Cool - any plans on a motor swap? Electric scooter would be a nice canidate.. I sort of want one of those now.
  22. Nice case! Although I'm sad that you god rid of an antec. Oh well, coolermasters are great cases too. I have a antec p182 my self. Love it. Heavy as hell though. Big power supply and 4x hard drives (raid 10 yay!) dont help.
  23. Fuck all these comic book movies. There has been 2 good ones in the past 5 years. Batman, and the first Spiderman. All these spin offs just suck.
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