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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Wait... the NCAA actually LESSENED the penalties that Oregon suggested. Oregon suggested 1 a year for 3 years and the NCAA cut it to 2. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Edit: nevermind. I shouldn't trust what I read from people who obviously have no reading comprehension. It's 1 a year for 2 years on the 25 limit and 1 a year for 3 years on the 85 limit.
  2. And they pretty much did. Schlabach tweeted that if he were Gene Smith/OSU he'd be pretty pissed right now. All OSU's case did was show that cooperating with the NCAA is the absolute worst thing you can do. I'm right back to the mindset I was in when OSU's penalties were announced... I hope OSU is cheating like crazy now and if the NCAA comes calling they tell them to fuck right off. Be interesting to see if Kelly gets suspended at all in the NFL like Tressel did in his video review whatever position he was in with the Colts since Kelly did get a show cause.
  3. Probably won't be anything more than a slap on the wrist even though it should be worse than OSU's. Probably a few years probation and a scholarship a year for 2-3 years.
  4. Should be getting a 9th Opening participant in the class today with Terry McLaurin. Love the offer, kinda like Darron Lee last year. Came to camp on the 9th, showed well but the staff wanted him to improve on a few things. Came back this week and showed that he had worked on those things and boom... offer.
  5. Harris didn't come up today like the staff was trying to get him to so they offered and accepted a commitment from Stephen Collier at QB. Like I said, this allows them to not worry too much about the QB position and keep in contact with Watson, Harris and maybe Allen all the way through signing day.
  6. Yeah, the way people "reported" it yesterday morning made it seem like the visit was completely off. Definitely here today though. Nice to see UCLA JUCO OL commit Jermaine Eluemunor is supposedly visiting as well. He and Mavety are fantastic JUCO OL who could step in right away. Hope we still have a shot at him with the visit today.
  7. 4* WR out of NC, Trevion Thompson. One assistant thought he would commit today, another said he wouldn't bet his life on it but it could definitely happen. I'm hoping OL start packing in soon. Hopefully Jamarco Jones kicks off a little streak of OL commits next week when he announces.
  8. I know one player the staff felt confident may commit today. Still time left in the day and maybe he did it like Holmes did yesterday but hasn't announced it yet.
  9. NOW it's official. Holmes is a Buckeye. I know Zach Smith was pumped about "kicking Fla. St.'s ass" to get him and wanted a shot to do it again today with Damian Prince but Prince ended up not visiting so that sucks. Hopefully he makes it up here at some point though. Need those OL. Mavety, Knox, Prince, Mama, Jones, etc. Need a few of them.
  10. bicranium

    XBOX One

    Exactly. I think I mentioned that at some point in all my rants...lol. In the long run this would have provided a Steam-like experience for the more casual crowd (read: console gamers).
  11. bicranium

    XBOX One

    You are part of the hive mind. It's OK. You and thousands if not millions of others didn't understand the concept. Like I said, go check some gaming sites today. Those who do understand what MS was trying to do see that their going back to the old ways is a bit of a downer. Edit: here is a relevant article - https://medium.com/adventures-in-consumer-technology/a849a9d4d530 Tons of really cool features gone because people didn't understand them or don't like change. Just like the article points out and I have pointed out, MS' PR people failed to express these features appropriately. Even I didn't know about the sharing circle until just a few days ago and just like that it's gone. People were so sucked into the mentality that OMG IF I DON'T HAVE INTERNET I CAN'T PLAY. OMG I CAN'T TRADE IN MY GAMES FOR $0.14 AT GAMESTOP ANYMORE...MAYBE. OMG I CAN'T SELL MY USED GAMES ON EBAY ANYMORE. They couldn't see the positives. The only negative I saw the whole way through was how that mentality would affect sales and affect the number of people on the Xbox One. If it's a virtual ghost town then I didn't want to be on it regardless of cool features. Now people who converted will convert back and everything will stay the same. Only an idiot would proclaim that the consumers won yesterday. MS won because now all the dumb people who couldn't comprehend what was going on will go crawling back to the XBO and their sales will go back to about what they expected. But the real big winners? They won so big they decided to release statements yesterday thanking MS. Gamefly and Gamestop. These digitally-driven features would have set things in motion that may have eventually killed those companies. Is anyone here actually a fan of Gamestop? I stepped foot in one for the first time in years to pre-order my consoles and get out. And I've never used Gamefly but can see its appeal. But, again, digitally sharing games with your friends means you can try or "rent" the game from your friends when they weren't playing it. Play the entire game if you want to. As many times as you want (granted your friend isn't on it) for as long as you want. For free. But now that's gone too.
  12. bicranium

    XBOX One

    Interesting that people don't remember how poorly Steam was received at the beginning. But they pushed through and now everyone loves it. But they don't deal in hardware so they didn't have to worry about that part. MS does and they couldn't push on without risking massive losses. This pic sums it all up pretty well... http://i.imgur.com/6toVRrE.jpg People just weren't ready to move forward. It's funny how many articles there are out there today about how MS just traded in a car for a faster horse. But again, they didn't have much of a choice because of how the hive mind took over.
  13. bicranium

    XBOX One

    Yeah, that won't happen. I think the rumors about Sony "going rogue" before their E3 presentation are true, MS went to the publishers and said, either go exclusive with us or we're doing exactly what Sony just did, obviously no one wanted to jump on the Xbox One ship at that time so MS pulls the plug on the DRM stuff. Sucks because I was excited about the sharing circle stuff and this kills it. Sony is holding back the advancement of console gaming by doing this but MS didn't have much of a choice because they did such a bad job of getting everything hammered out in time to present it solidly to their potential customers while also fumbling basically every other aspect of PR in the last few weeks.
  14. bicranium

    XBOX One

    So this was true. The publishers caved. Now MS is getting rid of their DRM stuff. PS4 now has only one advantage - price. http://www.joystiq.com/2013/06/19/xbox-one-80-microsoft-reverses-xbox-one-drm-features/
  15. So the reports of it being official... came from none other than Bucknuts. They read the info in the thread on Scout following everything live, wanted to be first (because if you're not first, you're last and it's better to be first than right) and went official with it. Even saying in an article that Jalyn announced his commitment. Within 5 minutes Jalyn tweeted that he did not commit. Now Jalyn's mother is tweeting at Bucknuts and is not happy. OSU's staff is not happy. From all credible accounts he did commit but wanted to get home, contact other schools' coaches and then announce on his own accord. Bucknuts, as they've done multiple times in the past, jumped the gun and I'm hoping Urban goes off on them like he did Jeremy Fowler back at Florida...
  16. Looks like Jalyn Holmes has committed to OSU. Pretty cool following this one. Kid and his family stayed overnight last night, he spent a lot of one on one time with Urban, family was taken care of by Vrabel. Lots of reporters/recruiting analyst people saw he and his family celebrating with the coaches about an hour ago at the camp. Taking pictures together and everything. Then they went inside. Now reports of it being official coming out. 4* DE out of VA. Top 50 player in the country. DL Vrabel wants the most in this class. Urban and staff feel he's a Carolos Dunlap-type freak DE.
  17. Have a kid on campus right now getting some special attention, Brandon Dawkins. 6'3", 210ish. Not really any big offers (I believe he's the kid who tried to commit to ND after Golson was suspended/removed/whatever but they didn't accept it). But he's on campus for camp so they get to see him in person. Saw Collier in person last week and he didn't show well enough for an offer. Maybe Dawkins will. Still have a shot at Harris but I think he'll announce for LSU next month. I think they'll get a guy like Dawkins or Collier and never stop contact with guys like Allen, Harris and Watson through signing day but they won't take 2 unless the 2nd is truly elite.
  18. Thought this was funny/interesting enough to share... nevada just gave the ==== for class of 2017 QB Danny Clark out of Massillon. He's at the underclassmen camp at OSU today and is "the real deal" according to people there. Absolutely insane for a kid that young to be getting this kind of hype but Braxton wasn't too dissimilar and he was at a less storied school than Clark. OSU's OOC schedule for 2017 and beyond includes the likes of UNC, TCU, Oklahoma and Oregon. They better start preparing for Mr. Clark.
  19. My grandpa used to tell me there were people in the walls watching me eat and they would report me for dipping my fries in my Frosty. He too thought it was weird and tried to use that to make me stop. :lolguy:
  20. bicranium

    XBOX One

    So much incorrect information here it's hard to reply to. But that's just all part of the hive mind working against the Xbox One right now. Your Amazon numbers are from a Facebook voting thing. No one is releasing actual sales numbers. And Sony sent out at least twice as many pre-orders as MS. Was three times as many or more at some stores. The 20:1 thing is probably just a bit of an exaggeration but I wouldn't be surprised if it really was 5:1 which is based on supply plus the general opinion of the Xbox One right now.
  21. bicranium

    XBOX One

    I'm just an Xbox person. I have the One slated as my primary console but have pre-orders for both with intentions of keeping one of each. That said, even as an Xbox person, I didn't know/understand the game sharing with the sharing circle. Reading a lot about it today, even if it ends up having some restrictions that people are speculating it might, it's pretty awesome. You get a sharing circle of 10 people. Everyone in that circle shares their entire game library. You can play any of the games in there. There are limitations and restrictions obviously or else you'd just have pods of 10 people everywhere buying one copy of a game and sharing it but it still seems really cool. A good explanation of how it will work I read earlier today... Might seem a little confusing but once you grasp that it's pretty awesome. For example, a launch title will be Dead Rising 3. I'm going to get that. I know some of my friends will. I know some won't. IF they don't restrict multiplayer, one of my friends in my circle at a time could try the game out with me. If they do restrict multiplayer, my friends can still try the game out when I'm not playing it. It's a relatively difficult system to explain and I don't think all the details are even ironed out/official yet (goes along with all the DRM issues that are still being mulled over on BOTH consoles) but once it's all a little easier to explain I think that puts MS right back in the game. Sony's little "here's how you lend a game to a friend on PS4" video looks hilariously stupid if this works out the way it sounds like it will.
  22. bicranium

    XBOX One

    That would be pretty dumb. Like I said, it's in the hands of the publishers now if any of the stuff about Sony going rogue before their E3 presentation is true.
  23. bicranium

    XBOX One

    GT went downhill fast after 2. 3 and 4 were still good but Forza has improved every step of the way while GT has regressed.
  24. bicranium

    XBOX One

    It's going to be hilarious if within the next month Sony announces they have to adopt a few of the same DRM things MS is. Some rumblings out there that Sony pulled their little thing somewhat at the last moment just to stick it to MS in PR (which they did) but some publishers are not pleased and the deals are not official and won't be for another month or so. If ANY of that is true, Sony made a power play and if the publishers cave, MS can drop their DRM stuff and Sony's biggest (read: only) advantage disappears. If Sony's play doesn't work and they have to do some of the same DRM stuff I don't know what would happen. Sony fanboys would just suck it up and blame MS probably.
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