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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Defensive staff is full. Vrabel or Fickell will coach DL. Plus he's the biggest race baiting, negative recruiter in the Big 10 AND he worked at PSU with all the Sandusky crap.
  2. Zach Smith hired as WR coach. Earle Bruce's grandson and worked under Meyer at UF then for former Meyer assistants at other programs the last 2 seasons.
  3. lol... the next time I read or care about something "reported" by Joe Schad will be the first time.
  4. Did they double the probation? Did they double the vacated wins? Did they double the amount of money OSU was set to pay back from their BCS cut? The scholarship number was right where people expected it all along and most thought the probation and scholarship numbers would increase as OSU probably kept them a little lower than they should have been to give the NCAA some room to add some on to give off the impression that they were hitting OSU hard. I mean, if you want to keep going on believing that the NCAA was going to hand out a 2-year bowl ban in a case where a 1-year bowl ban was practically unheard of then no one can stop you. Either way, it all comes back to Gene Smith's supposed insight and connection with the COI being an absolute farce. HE didn't expect any bowl ban so he took the Gator Bowl and we'll never know what would have happened otherwise.
  5. Well, the NCAA was fine with some of OSU's self-imposed sanctions so... yeah, I think there's a strong possibility that the NCAA wouldn't hand out basically a 2-year bowl ban in a case where a 1-year bowl ban was somewhat unprecedented. Yeah, any kid who stayed on board through all of that crap is pretty special. But it's not like Urban is pushing them out. They just didn't hold up their end academically. Southward has been talking about visiting Florida. If he did that Urban would most likely cut him loose. He's a kid a lot of people think wouldn't have had a standing offer from Urban anyways and he kinda slipped in before Urban came in to lock his spot.
  6. I really don't think OSU's arrogance or sudden rush of good fortune had anything to do with the COI's decision. As much as people want to hate on the NCAA I really don't think they're evil and saw OSU starting to rebound and think to themselves... "we really need to get them now". I think this was simply a massive blunder by a moron named Gene Smith. Either way what's done is done and Gene will get his... moving on. 5* RB Bri'onte Dunn got done what he needed to get done to graduate early and will be enrolling in January. nevadabuck on Scout (even though he's always wrong...lol) gave a numbers update as it pertains to the 82-82-82 penalty. OSU right this moment, with the current commits (19) and the transfer of Taylor Graham, is sitting pretty right at 82. Expect 3 medical waivers (McVey and Fellows for sure, don't know the third). Expect 1 maybe 2 current commits not to make it in academically (no idea who - pre-Urban kids though). Expect 2 probably 3 current players to transfer before fall camp. Long story short, OSU is very comfortable taking 6-8 more kids in the 2012 class. The way the 82-82-82 works is that the roster has to be down to 82 by the start of fall camp. It can get a little tricky if you have a big class and no natural attrition but for the most part that penalty will merely eliminate Ohio State's ability to award 4th and 5th year walk-ons with a leftover scholarship for their final year of college as Tressel loved to do.
  7. So you think OSU would have gotten a 2-year post-season ban?
  8. There wouldn't be a 2012 bowl ban if Gene Smith had an IQ north of 60.
  9. The punishment isn't even that severe. It would be almost nothing if Smith weren't a functioning retard. The witch hunt by the media was propelled by the joke of a press conference in March and subsequent blunders by Smith and Gee in the media as they fulfilled their craving for the spotlight. "I just hope Jim Tressel doesn't fire me! lolololololol" Are you fucking kidding me?
  10. They and Oregon and really any program that doesn't have morons like Smith and Gee at the helm are actually smart about this stuff. You know why you're not hearing about that stuff? Because THEY aren't talking about it. With every little thing that came out Gee and Smith felt the need to strut around talking about how awesome our compliance department was and have press conferences and all this other bullshit. Oregon, Miami, UNC, etc.? They just let out a little statement via a press release. Ho hum. No big deal. When everything is said and done with them there will be more talk but until then, because they have competent and intelligent administrators, you won't hear much.
  11. I don't really have a problem with the sanctions themselves. I have a problem with them being applied to next year instead of this year due to incompetence.
  12. They don't even have to get rid of the pre-conference games. Schools are allowed to schedule Hawaii as a 13th game because of some NCAA law because of how far away they are. Would be hilarious but I like the idea of Michigan being the final game of the season and OSU/Urban going out and just sticking it in no lube wrapped in sand paper.
  13. Also, take note of what USC did to UCLA this season in USC's final game of the year since they were banned from post-season play. A 50-0 embarrassment. Michigan should expect similar next season.
  14. Noah Spence's dad... "Noah is committed to the school, the program and to Coach Urban Meyer. This does not change our opinion of anything."
  15. It is when it's baseless. Guy has about a 90% hit rate on his info and you toss something out every time he gets 1 thing wrong. It was funny to me, hence the lol. Pittman and Dunn have already said this has no effect on their commitment. Bill Greene trying to get all the recruits' opinions right now.
  16. lol... somehow you bash nevada in this? Oh no his hit rate takes a 0.1% decline because he didn't have the bowl ban and neither did basically anyone else. The scholarship reductions are meaningless (just like he said they would be all along) as is the probation. The scholarships basically mean no more bonus scholarships for hard-working walk-ons for 3 years like Tressel liked to give out. 2 scholarships opened up today with the news that Fellows and McVey were getting medical hardship waivers. And with Graham transferring... boom. There's 1 year of the scholarship penalty taken care of...lol. Like I said... meaningless.
  17. That's an interesting take but I find it much easier to believe that Gene Smith is merely incompetent.
  18. Again, don't care what the NCAA was trying to do. Just saying the one saving grace Gene Smith had through this entire thing were his supposed connections to the NCAA so that he'd know stuff ahead of time and they amounted to nothing.
  19. I'm not blaming Gene for what the NCAA did, I'm blaming him for what he didn't do. If he was as connected as everyone said he was supposed to be thanks to his former position on the COI then he should have known this was possible and self-imposed a bowl ban for this year. Now, the kids who are largely responsible for this crap in the first place get to go to Florida for a nice little winter vacation and the leftovers have to sit at home next year because of them. If there was even a 1% chance of a bowl ban, a bowl ban should have been self-imposed. The only way you don't do a bowl ban is if you've been assured that there won't be one. Or if you're incompetent as Smith clearly is.
  20. The thing is people had been harping all along that Gene Smith and his connections with the NCAA were going to keep him very much in the loop. The fact that OSU just accepted the Gator Bowl invite and this still happened shows that his old connections meant absolutely nothing. He's a useless turd.
  21. Epic failure by Gene Smith. He should be dead by sunset. How do you accept the Gator Bowl with this coming down the pipe? He has to be gone. 9 scholarships total over 3 years and another year of probation means nothing really. Being banned from post-season play next year hurts.
  22. I love Cowherd. Will never give up listening to him. First time I ever listened to his show I thought it was a local show. Was at the end of the 2005 season. He was slobbering over OSU. I know he has a bit of a soft spot for OSU (he got his first job in sports thanks to OSU insider nevadabuck...lol) so anytime he jabs OSU fans with SEC talk I know he's just doing it for ratings. Heck, he admits that he does it for ratings most of the time. He talks more college football than anyone on national radio so I have to listen. The local crap on 97.1... just shit as everyone else said. I vowed to never willingly listen to Ricordati/Torgerson after the epic Federer/Nadal match I think at Wimbledon 3-4 years ago. It was just an incredible match regardless of whether or not you're a die-hard tennis fan or not and they just wrote it off because tennis isn't a manly sport. Either of them would have a heart attack 15 minutes into a tennis match. Just turned it off and was done. Before Torgerson became a regular (was just a fill-in guy) he was in Ricordati's place one day with Spielman and said Arizona-Arizona State is a rivalry on the same level as OSU-Michigan. Just lol'd uncontrollably.
  23. It still hasn't fully sunk in for me that Meyer is the head coach. Right now he's just this mysterious presence that is maneuvering OSU and positioning them for the future behind the scenes. Once I see him run the team out either for the spring game or for the season opener it will fully hit me. He's only done like 3 interviews since he was hired (short, crappy one with Dimitrious Stanley embarrassing himself on 97.1, one with Dan Patrick which was good then one on a Cleveland station that I didn't catch all of) so I'm still not even sure it's real...lol.
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