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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. Buy him a box of hollow points and make him pay for his target practice. But get the good stuff. Federal HST or Hornardy Critical Defense or Speer Gold.
  2. Whatever you get, make sure its a VR or IS lens.
  3. Something like this possibly? Auto Charcoal Metallic
  4. That was all mind numbing. It's really quite simple. They will charge what the market will bear. I think the problem have with dealerships is they don't realize what they are getting for what they are paying for. Granted there are some major tools there but quality is key. It's the writers job "sell" the work being done. When I quote somebody for a Hazardous Waste drum for removal they get sticker shock all day long. What they don't realize is the cost for my guys to handle the drum, haul the drum, Paper Work, Fuel, Insurance, Processing, Reporting, payout for the reps, Disposal facility, ETC. Parts Washers are the same way. While my company certainly isn't the cheapest out there being a premium provider it'll come with costs. I asked a guy last week if he wanted my service for a 20G parts washer for 125 a turn, or his current who was charging him 85 for a 20G service, filling the drum with 8 gallons and a brick in the bottom of the drum to weigh it down. Suddenly he realized he wasn't getting such a great deal. rant over
  5. Oh how I love Stock Eliminator. If it wasn't so bloody expensive I'd get back into it.
  6. I love it when they do these tests. Two words, Test Ringer. Detroit is still sending out Ultra Blueprinted cars for reviews and tests. Nice to know what it'll make in Stock Eliminator form though.
  7. Blame women. It's a fit. It's a rule set forever, and it makes no sense.
  8. Hahaha, I was gonna say needs more low, but then again it is for winter. I'd still rock it, but dump the FM's.
  9. Man if I could find a decent Bronze, and Gold I would be so damn busy. Bronze has turned into bit of a Unicorn, and Gold just plain sucks.
  10. Patterson


    Gotta love modern technology. WTF is logging between fill ups and doing the math 40ish in the freeway and low 30's in city. Then again how much fuel can 115hp really use? It'll be a shame when I swap out the stock motor.
  11. Need some powdercoating done?
  12. I've used AVG for years and had no problems with it.
  13. Talk to Bob over at Performance Research. The man is an artist. He's doing my nephews motor right now, and will be doing the 16V for my GTI.
  14. No wonder it was still on the cob. I need to have a talk with my wife.
  15. When my fingers poke through that's the best part of my day. I'm popping right now in fact. Yes I said fingers. And I feel fine, but I don't remember eating corn........
  16. I've got those, I'll even let you use them.
  17. How huge? I may have it.
  18. Even though its a 7 bolt, they didnt have the short comings of the bad thrust bearing. The 4 bolt rear it DOES have. Even if it was legit, i wouldnt pay that much. MAybe 4 at the most.
  19. I use purple power, and high pressure water. If you use a solvent based cleaner be careful where you use it, if its on pavement itll eat it up badly. Or I'd contact one of the dealers on here and see how they do it. I was looking at a few cars last week that should have been grease pits but they looked better than new.
  20. Bruce is the man! I take care of his parts cleaning tanks, and have for many years. If you really wanna get him going call him sir. He loves it....
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