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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. Yea, and then China asks the US to cash in its billions of lent cash that has furthered our decline of our dollar. And then America collapses. Not the best idea. I wish we could though.
  2. Dat Steve Jackson cat no joke brudda. Da Monte needs a chassis tune, an da new oral pan.
  3. What about Fallout New Vegas? Is it worth it?
  4. Yea no shit. Its ridiculous. Waste of govt money. That state is all liberals. No wonder they cant push these people into the execution room.
  5. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&safe=off&q=william+petit+death+penalty&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbs=nws:1&source=og&sa=N&tab=wn&fp=3f29b94b1f95a215
  6. William Petit, the father and husband to the absolute heinous murdesr of the wife and kids, has finally received justice to one of the two killers. Finally.... Discuss.
  7. I depends on what you are using the TV for. To be honest, if your nice screen is a lcd, i would just get an LCD. Plasmas are perfect for watching movies because the blacks are much better and refreshes better. 600hz actually is only 100 because its broken itno 6 segments across the screen. Whereas LCDs differently. Have you seen any of the 120hz LCDs yet? If you hook that up to a nice HD source, itll look good. If you are using the one in your bedroom as a tv watcher, i would just get an LCD 1080p 60 or 120hz.
  8. What are you running for headers on there? Something off the shelf, or modded?
  9. Then again, we've yet to see it go fast. I'm not totally decided on where to classify your car....:thumbup:
  10. You've heard my theory on this before. Yours is a gutted race car that you are going to drive on the street.
  11. But it necessitates slowing down going around corners. Who wants to do that?
  12. Depends on the level of maturity of who's judging it. For a decent street car I'd say 12's is a good start for a toy. For a daily 13's would be totally acceptable. Gutted cars, lexan, spools, skinnies are useless if you're on the street, and really just asking for trouble. That stuff was cool ten tears ago to me. Anymore when I see that on the street I think it's dumb. You can drive that stuff on the street, but in reality everybody knows its a track car. If the owner admits it's a track car great, otherwise you're lying to yourself. It's been proven many many times you don't need to gut it to be fast. Next go-fast car that gets built will be terribly mild (mid 12's) but built to take a ton of spray on top of that. Preferably EFI, Overdrive, 3.42's, A/C, Pump gas, quiet exhaust, full interior, goes around corners with no drama is the order of the day.
  13. That's a great deal for a non-hacked car. But you're giving up too easily.
  14. "Oh my lips, Oh my mouth...." Ha ha ha
  15. Have you looked at the fuel pressure yet? I've got a 190 pump around here somewhere I can loan you. That and I still say plug wires. I bought a flurry of parts for my mothers Jetta trying to fix a similar problem this summer, new maf, coil, plugs, wires. Changed the wires out again, and it ran fine.
  16. Ill put windows on it for you.
  17. A core 2 doesnt even come close to a Core i5. Buy my imac with an i7
  18. An old school Audi should do juuuuuuust fine.
  19. Patterson


    Well, we know what goes on in your shower...
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