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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. Patterson

    WTB: Th350

    Preferably something that runs. Need it for a Chevy bellhousing.
  2. Available Sunday to check it out? It's 20 years old guys, give it rest. This thing has been for sale forever, obviously he's frustrated at this point.
  3. Mean stance. Nice rear diffuser and splitters.
  4. Thanks Dan, Happy to help any way possible. + rep Sir
  5. Its hard to do a man zone blitz with only 5 players. The key to blitzing is to have 2 show blitz, one blitz's and the other drops while a third blitzs from the opposite side. And play zone middle partial flat and deep safety for anything beyond 10 yds. You need a good safety though
  6. Patterson


    PCH,hit PCH. It's all good.
  7. If I can't be an athelete, I can be an athletic supporter.. Yuk, Yuk, Yuk.
  8. Connect the nook to your wireless at home and setup the account on the nook. Then youll be able to browse and buy books over the nook
  9. Bent fork and linkage too. Are the motor/tranny mounts in good shape?
  10. Bad actuator possibly? What kind of turbo is it?
  11. Didn't he say a few pages back he was paying up or something? Not cool dood, not cool.
  12. Cool, I'll take it on Thursday.
  13. Hahaha, Edelbrocks fit nice, but dastardly spendy.
  14. I want. Does it come with the tranny brackets too?
  15. I just saw it. Missed them on page one. Derek, this car will be full of cool.
  16. Natural talent. He has natural talent.
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