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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. It may wind being a flipper. Only to get me closer to something else. Thanks, It is like everything else. It's good in moderation..
  2. Coming home. nIt left the OG owners but not without a fight.... http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture701.jpg http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture699.jpg http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture703.jpg Capital FTW! http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture700.jpg http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture706.jpg http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture710.jpg
  3. Update, got the car running tonight 1 hour after drop off. Car needs brakes, starter, and muffler. The A/C works, for now until i rip it out and throw it on the driveway. All I do is win win win. P.S. the car has now been named--- Buttercup. aka (Butter-tasse)
  4. damn those wheels look good. who did those :ninja:
  5. The F'n Camel was bad ass.
  6. So if anyone else is like this pipe up. Owning cars is a disease. No matter what level of happiness or disappointment I am at I am always looking for deals. Uber cheap is the order of the day. Many of you I'm sure have noticed my to F/S threads on here. The Jetta, and Scirocco. The Scirocco sold in two days. The Jetta is a whole different story. I've dropped the price so far from what I bought it for I feel stupid for even continuing trying to sell it. Well I had/have this dumb ass idea that I need to do a DSM build of sorts. While in the last month or 5 I've learned what not to do, I've figured out a Blueprint for what I wanted. And as usual I was gonna jump in 100% hardcore and dump my "toy" and Daily for this BS. I was getting out of VW's for the time being. 20 over the past ten years I figure is enough for now. Well apparently it isn't. WTF!!!!!! So I'm on the crapper at work scrolling through C/L which I may add is the only app that works well on my HTC Hero and I come across an ad for a GTI. Meh, it's a Mk3, 2.slow, the ad states they have no mechanical ability, hasn't run in a while make offer. I email them, and a few days later I get a email back. "We still have it, come take a look". Er eh oh shit fine I'll go why not. They were asking 700.00. How bad could it be? Leigh and I trek out to Ostrander to see it, find a Camel, and two Llamas. Cool stuff right???? We pull up to the house and what do I see? A cleanish Ginster Yellow GTI. I already know whats going through my head. All day I was figureing of offer 4-500 hundred for this thing get turned down and go home with nothing more than adventure. Yeah no..... The owner says it has been sitting for three years, he parked it when the muffler fell off, and never fixed it cause they had other cars to drive. The rear wheels are locked up, (the parking brake had been set the whole time), and even with a new battery it wouldn't turn over. The body isn't too bad. A few rust bubbles, the interior is dirty as hell. Icky in fact. The owner is just a guy. Not trying to make it fast or modding it nothing. Perfect, he drove it, and did regular maintenance on it. This is how I bought my wifes Mk3 and it has been great. Needless to say, we're here because I am in fact NOT getting out of VW's, I'm even deeper than before. There are other affiliated with P&P that are very disappoint. Oh well. It's a sickness, I can't help it. The whole trip home, I kept asking Leigh WTF did I just do!?????? This thing should be a slam dunk to get going. Flush the fluids, clean it, actually tighten down the battery clamps, and push the clutch in when I start it. He didn't..... The oil wasn't gross, and the coolant was still green. Unlock the brakes. Exhaust, Slam, Drive. Win! On to the initial pics from my first visit with_______. (Lets pic a German name for this one. All the others were named. Help me out?) http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture690.jpg http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture689.jpg http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture688.jpg http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture687.jpg http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture686.jpg http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture685.jpg http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Project%20WTF/Picture691.jpg This thing will need some http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Alrich/stretch.jpg http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Alrich/poke.jpg
  7. A Kia? I my have found something you'd like. Watch Project section....
  8. Or you could say screw it, and get a blue Hyundai. /thread.
  9. Tough call, while repair bills can be huge on the Audi you need to look at what you are going for. What I would be looking at is whether I wanted a Boy Racer car or something far more polished. An interior comparison alone should be enough to make the case. Audi FTW. Suby bills can be big too. Don't fool yourself in that arena. Get crazy with the tune, or something of the like your gonna spend bucks to fix it when it breaks no matter what. That being said. I say Audi. VAG is good.
  10. They're on there now. The BBS RA's 15x6 et 35.
  11. Patterson

    im drunk

    Butt Puker FTW!
  12. Patterson

    im drunk

    Did you puke in her butt?
  13. You could pull the motor, and interior. I won't mind.
  14. Looking at that diagram maybe the shift cut out switch or the Amplifier could be the culprit?
  15. Does the boat have any type of spark box?
  16. Usually if its a Mercruiser it's a GM IIRC. I think Volvo used Fords and GM, I know there were a few Chryslers used as well as Buicks years ago. Is it a Points Style, or Electronic ignition? Distributor in the front of the motor or in the rear? Heh heh in the rear....
  17. Are you getting power to the coil?
  18. Leigh and Chris down at Jiffy Lube in Grandview on 5th Ave can do a complete evac and recharge.
  19. I think the link is broken.
  20. I actually came to this life question after watching the loud Astro Van curb a wheel, and the Bike rider nearly going over the handle bars while clearing a speed bump Friday night.
  21. After eight years, just trying to keep things interesting......
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