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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. That car needs a big boost in power to compete with the pony cars right now. Sure, v6 for v6 it might do alright, but not when it looks like a korean accord. I'd consider it an alternative if they came out with a v6t or v8 with 50 more lb-ft at least, and fixed the styling.
  2. Its real


    It isn't, and I'll tell you why. The male lions are way too lazy to attempt something like that. Only the females would be stilt-hunting, that dude would be hanging out in the shade eating babies and licking his balls.

  3. I need some idea on a DD. Was leaning toward an E46, but not sure now.


    What are you going to do if it snows? Get snow tires? Recommend quattro. You could probably find an xi, I guess. If you want to go fast and fix stuff buy a b5 S4. If you want to go slow and not fix as much stuff buy a b6 A4. Both have very nice interiors, which I think is paramount in a DD. Otherwise you might as well buy a beat to shit subaru.

  4. on topic..i had a kia come in once like this. lady had all of her oil changes things from fast lube..I called bs and took pics of the assm line kia filter on the motor still(different color then the replacement the dealer sells). come to find out, her son worked at fast lube, and either A, never changed it and pocketed the money, or B he made her a ton of fake receipts....


    Maybe he was changing the tranny filter:D


    Yeah, the VW sludge is mainly because people use cheap crappy oil and that + super high-stress turbo + neglect = sludge. Too bad really. I've owned or serviced MANY VW's from the 'sludge' era and never ever seen it. People are dumb, and VW is dumb for not speccing a good synthetic oil. Now look at what they do on the tdis!

  5. you cant find a better synthetic for the money then the mobile1

    racing 4t.


    you can get some non synthetic stuff cheaper.


    personally i wont skimp on oil for my bike.

    go to iron pony and browse around.. 9.50 for some full synthetic is cheap compared to there prices.


    Yeah, it's a fine price honestly (especially locally). But doing the math for the old superhawk tells me that if I spend $7/quart each oil change instead of $9.50/quart, 4ish quarts so $10 per change more. Over the 100k mile life of the engine (yes, a superhawk engine will last that long even on semi-synth) that's a nice savings of $300+ if I change my oil every 3k miles, or about 30 times. How's that for math? I could almost buy another superhawk motor for $300, almost.

  6. Well there are plenty of good people and most strangers will come across that way provided you are courteous and polite. You have to look beneath the surface to see who they really are. I'm a fairly judgemental person, and I can think of a few people who "are perfectly nice and pleasant" that I know are actually convicted child rapists, wife beaters, etc. Even if they get caught, they do their time and they're right back out here walking among us. Doesn't mean they can't be nice.
  7. i call bs...no oil at all? you saw how quick that rodeo locked up with no oil...it only made it 100 yards


    That's weak. I have changed the oil in many cars that literally had nothing in the oil pan, but they ran quiet and fine (as far as the driver could tell). Especially the Hondas and Toyotas, those things don't make a sound dry!

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