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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. So awesome, it's nice to see Ohio is making an attempt at becoming less retarded. With our freeway congestion at rush-hour it would mean we'd need major roadway growth, but it's a giant step in the right direction. The current "SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT" signs don't do jackshit, and wouldn't even if they had strobe lights.


    Actually the flashing stop signs are pretty good. LOL at the OSHP bitching about every law that makes sense.

  2. I have no idea what's going on right now.


    It's kind of like when an American drinks a bunch of Chinese beer, but makes the Chinese bartender pay for it. Kind of. Does that help?

  3. Above should have ended this thread.


    Why do people want AR and P90 as home defense? So that bullet can scream through walls hit loved ones and exit your house?



  4. Guys I've already been over the over-penetration thing. Shotguns and pistols overpenetrate home construction, 5.56mm does not. Small rounds break up, heavy rounds keep going. A 9mm, buckshot, or other heavie, slower load will penetrate walls better than a 5.56 nato will which is bad.
  5. No he did not dummy. That is not physically possible, if you know anything about a jet engine's cross section, especially on one the size in that situation (low bypass, i.e. no fan). That DID happen, but in that case what happened was his helmet saved him... it was sucked off his head, and destroyed all hte blades before he could get to them. so the helmet took the damage, and he was just stuck in the inlet.


    My bad then. In the video it looks like he comes out the back, but it's pretty poor quality.

  6. There have been more recent tests that show it outperformed the 9mm, less recoil allowed for better and faster grouping. I'll have to double check and see if that was the government armor piercing rounds or the over the counter 5.7. I've read so many pros and cons. Its funny how biased most sources are.. its definitely a love it or hate it situation with the round. I'm not thinking primary gun, but I still want it to work. For $1100 its making me consider it.


    Also.. why is the 5.7 pistol so popular if so many people think its basically a .22?


    Jones is right, there's quite a bit of controversy about the testing of this caliber. Generally disregard any testing done by the company trying to sell you ammo, as well as fanboiz who have no experience. When a bunch of people have shot bad guys with it and dumped it for an AR (which they then found acceptable) it sends a pretty good message. The 5.7 can and will kill people dead, so can a .22LR, .380, and many other calibers. A pistol caliber is a compromise in the extreme, and should never ever be used when a rifle caliber can be. You're kinda sorta taking a 5.56 nato and cutting it in half.


    If you are just dead set on the 5.7 (and it's a cool little round), I'd go with whichever is cheaper (pistol vs. carbine) and spend the rest on training and practice.

  7. What do you guys think of using a p90 as a home defense weapon? I was going to get a 5.7 but found a used p90 in great shape for around the same price. I have read reviews and hear its great in close quarters.. but as always I run things by CR first.


    Who says it's great in close quarters? How much experience do they have killing people with that weapon? I like the 5.7 and p90 as toys, but there are better options available for home defense (AR for example) from what I've read. Also, the ammo is pretty expensive.


    Read a little here if you like: http://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=19913


    and here too: http://lightfighter.net/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/716105676/m/94120578763


    That being said. I really wouldn't want to be shot by one (or anything). Nearly all police departments have gone away from subguns to 5.56 ARs and for good reason.

  8. FUUU i probably should have waited to get my Kahr i bet i could have picked one up there.


    I wonder if they will sell crossbreed holsters there.


    I bet they'll sell chinese and trailer-made rip-offs. And they'll come with a free pocket knife and mystery jerkey!

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