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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. 2.0's are bullet proof. They are cheap to fix and cheap to find if something does go wrong with it.




    I drove a 2.0 back from the hocking hills once with a fragged water pump, and the coolant gauge pegged hot. Everything was true enough to get by with a t-belt job and it's been perfect 15k miles later. The 5-speeds are idiot tolerant, parts are super cheap, and they go and go. I'm not too familiar with the 16v 2.0 or whatever in the GTI, but the SOHC 2.0 is solid.

  2. Who are our enemies? How have these enemies attacked you personally? If you honestly think that a bunch of poor muslims, thousands of miles away, can attack us on our own soil - you need to do some reading/research or get off the couch more. The only countries that hold hostilities against the US GOVERNMENT (not its people), are ones that we have bombed back to the stone age for absolutely no reason.


    And please do not bring up 9/11 - there is too much misconstrued information about how these guys flew aircraft past one of the most advanced military/defense structures the world has ever seen. Someone within the government knew this was going to happen - end of story: there is more information suggesting this did happen, than did not. No arguement needed - do some research.


    Hmmm... Just let me calm down for a little bit here. Just, just...

  3. Any youre a fan of our current foreign policy? Sending billions of dollars overseas while Americans are losing their homes?


    I agree with most of what Ron Paul says, but with some things not so much. Certain enemies need to be dealt with, and will never go away otherwise. You can fight them there, or you can fight them here. Ditto all over the globe.


    BRB, +up SOF instead.

  4. I hope he gets elected. Yes his international views are what I would consider "Dangerous," but people have a history of changing their policies on these things when they get into the white house. Once they let them see the Ark of the Covenant anyways.
  5. Honestly, I thought there'd be many more people that were in agreement with sol740.


    lol at "passively scanning" not being a search. Are you looking for something not readily visible? Then its a search, albeit a highly technological one.


    Agree. I can see this being a pretty fine line. I think it would take all of about 3 seconds for some asshat (like the Toledo LEO) to seriously abuse tech like this and get into big trouble.

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