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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. Easiest shortcut that people in Ohio don't seem to know is STAY IN YOUR DAMN LANE IN HEAVY TRAFFIC. I'm amazed at how many people just want to feel like they're getting ahead by darting through lanes, when in fact they're just going to get to the same place 12 seconds faster while slowing up traffic for everyone else.


    Yeah but if you get to that exit 12 seconds sooner, you might make that 3-minute light everyone else gets stuck at. Or be 5 cars ahead at a stop sign that people take forever to pull away from.

  2. Heard about this again on the radio this morning. I hope everyone sees the state patrol is mega-full of shit since the turnpike raised the speed limit and OMG erryone didn't die. The opposite happened! That and the "If people have CCW our troopers will bee in a war zone!" bullshit. OSHP needs to disband. Seriously. I'd be happy with unlimited speeds and people just getting cited for being unsafe, der de der.
  3. Amen to this!!


    If the highway patrol worry about loss of revenue, there still plenty crazies out there that'll do 95+ to offset the loss.


    Or, instead of giving BS speeding tickets they could cite people for ACTUALLY doing dumb shit like I don't know... Blocking the passing lane(s)? Or maybe tailgating? Or driving at night without their fucking lights on? Or maybe they could just fuck off.


    The speed limit could be 140mph, and I could still only go as fast as the fucktard ahead of me.

  4. I 100% agree with this. First grocery store trips would turn into black friday sales with mobs of angry citizens punching each other over the last can of spaghetti o's. After that houses would be robbed for food. When all that fails, people would notice their pets coming up missing.


    I'd skip to step 2 while everyone else is at the store stocking up. :gabe:


    You bastards better stay outta the country. Of course, lots of people don't know that's where food comes from.

    Will trade food for hot wimmenz :)

  5. Just a letter saying it is all good to use the AFG dated DEC But it does not matter I will short Rifle this bitch and soon as paper work is done


    Hell yeah now you're talking. Is that a Spike's upper as well? Those shorter ARs can be pretty fussy.

  6. Just an FYI, if it has a >31 round mag it is considered an automatic weapon in Ohio and therefore illegal.




    “Automatic firearm” means any firearm designed or specially adapted to fire a succession of cartridges with a single function of the trigger. “Automatic firearm” also means any semi-automatic firearm designed or specially adapted to fire more than thirty-one cartridges without reloading, other than a firearm chambering only .22 caliber short, long, or long-rifle cartridges.
    • Upvote 1
  7. Its the only thing that is legal :}


    I'm surprised it is actually. With the BATFE's history of sending a letter out saying "This is legal" then saying "Oh yeah, just kidding" you can't be too cautious. Very unlikely to ever get caught, but it would make me a little nervous shooting at a public range.

  8. Anyone know if the Pig Iron (just south of Worthington) is still open? They always had some good BBQ, I just haven't really been over that way in a while.


    They were open a couple weeks ago when I was there.

  9. Having shot a .357mag desert eagle DO NOT WANT. Crappy round in an auto, low-capacity, and one-off status make this pistol a novelty at best. Good for them for trying something though, because 1911s just keep selling and selling. If it worked with .38special and someone gave it to me, I might not regift right away.
  10. Trigger has a little grittiness to it through take-up(hopefully will break-in), but breaks clean.


    These are pretty easy to smooth out, FYI. If it isn't acceptable after a few hundred rounds I'd take a stone to it. Although, at 5lb I'd be hesitant to do anything with the weight just smooth it out and maybe adjust the overtravel if that's your thing.

  11. It's really nothing more than a return to Washington's "Leave us the fuck alone, and we won't stick our noses in your shit, either." Going back through history, it wasn't until the Spanish-American War of 1898 that the US did anything noteworthy on the world stage, and even after WWI, isolationism remained the guiding principle of American diplomacy. Not until after WWII, where we were the only industrial nation standing against those dirty Soviets, did we begin "flexing our muscles."


    It's a very different world now than it was 110 years ago. Isolationism might work if instead of on different continents we were on different planets. Perhaps if we build a giant impenetrable bubble... but then how would the Mehicans get in?

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