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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. ben, do they change it based on new purchase price too? say a home is listed and auditor appraised at $500,000. you buy it for $400,000. is that evidence enough to go to the auditor at that point and have the taxes lowered?


    Yes. When you buy your home you shouldn't have too much trouble obtaining a copy of the appraisal, which will save you a couple bucks. Take to auditor, get taxes lowered, profit.

  2. What would you choose for your primary side arm and why?


    I've been looking into this and my main concern is magazine capacity. If you follow, "Gun control is hitting your target", then I seen no reason not to go with a 9mm with the pro of being able to carry more ammo at once.


    I've only shot a H&K USP .45 compact as far as .45acp goes but I definitely do like shooting it and feel pretty comfortable with it. The .45acp definitely has the most knockdown power (9mm, .40 and .45) and can handle any distance you would need to use a pistol for but, is it worth giving up the extra amount of ammo you can carry in a magazine?


    I've thought about 10mm rounds but haven't read a lot about them. From what I've read one pro is that you can use .40 rounds in a 10mm gun, you may just need to swap some parts and be sure to give it a good cleaning in between shooting the different rounds. Any info on this or did I skim over some BS?


    Just trying to get some opinions to help narrow my search/ add some pros and cons to my list.


    Easy there, you're going in a few different directions and not all of them are good.


    First off, today's modern ammo really negates the advantages a .45ACP used to have over a 9mm, to the point where the big 3 (9mm, .40S&W, .45ACP) all deliver about the same performance. This isn't 1940. Obviously 9mm rounds are smaller and lighter, which means you can carry more all else being equal. This is a big plus. It's also one of the most prolific calibers in the world, which is another big plus.


    Second, shooting .40S&W ammo out of a 10mm is kind of silly. Why you'd want to carry conversion parts (?) is a little impractical. Autos don't work like revolvers in that you can shoot multiple loads out of the same gun without modification. Many .40 pistols can be converted to 9mm with a a few parts (barrel, mag, etc.) if you're really concerned about it.


    Lastly, if price is any kind of concern, get the best pistol you can afford in a caliber you can afford to shoot the most of. A $400 glock (if that works for you) in 9mm and a couple thousand rounds is far better than a crappy .45 with 250 rounds. I'm plenty happy with my M&P9 and 17 rounds.

  3. Why was it in an ammo box? Does that not seem stupid to somebody? The ones I have seen before were in rubbermaid type cases.


    Weird, I thought ammo boxes were the container of choice for this. Cost a couple bucks, watertight, compact, durable, metal, easy to bury, etc.

  4. You will never see a civil war in this country, to many fat, lazy, stupid people who are only worried about TMZ, jersey shore, occupy this, and other trash to realize they are getting throat fucked by john homes and ass fucked by ron jermey.


    Quite possibly. Anything short of full-scale, (not necessarily US) .gov-backed war will be swept under the rug and dismissed as "domestic terrorism" I'd expect. BRB, reading history about how small factions overthrew empires.

  5. i wonder if our founding fathers knew this was going to happen, and they left the second amendment in the constitution as a deadmans switch, knowing one day we would have to start anew.


    Yes, that's exactly what it is there for.


    "Hmm, if we could pick up our muskets and start a new nation once, why couldn't we again?" Becauz jet-fighters, tanks, satellite-death-rays, etc. Why didn't they add that to the 2nd amendment? Way to set us up for massacre guys.

  6. Something has gone seriously wrong in our country and it needs fixed, now, before the rest of our rights are gone.


    You know something is very very wrong when Feinstein and Paul agree on something. I agree entirely, this shit is so sketchy it's full of fuck. One big step closer to civil war, thanks a bunch guys.


    Yeah if Ron Paul isn't elected next term, I'll be doubling my survival and self-sustainment projects.


    OMG wait, Obama said one thing, then got elected and did the opposite? NO WAY!

  7. X2. I have found maybe 25 ammo boxes in the woods. I bet their all bombs. I should call the police. :dumb:


    I still say the whole situation could have been avoided.


    What woods? Are they .30 or .50 or other ammo cans? If I found that shit sitting around I'd jack it for sure. Those bastards are expensive. Please provide details so I may harvest them.

  8. -OR-


    Automated Vehicles.


    This is a great idea. Some drivers are idiots that can't handle simple merges, light rain, distracting scenery, etc. and really shouldn't be piloting their own vehicles. Our public transit is a huge fail here, and the roadways are beyond overburdened in most areas. Google auto-cars would solve an asston of issues, but we won't see them widespread for decades, if ever.


    Oh the wonders the future holds.

  9. just discussing.....


    so are you saying that passing on the right isn't a big deal?

    that using the public street as your personal driveway isn't an issue?

    Noise ordinances aren't necessary? Didn't you fight the stock CB750 issue?


    I agree with you in terms of perhaps using existing laws or simply editing them, but couldn't that or an officer using their discretion be seen as too much empowerment as well? Do you not see any issues with that too?


    Passing on the right isn't a big deal at all. I've done it hundreds if not thousands of times, and never witnessed it being any more dangerous than passing on the left. If there are 2+ lanes, and slower traffic doesn't keep right, then fail.


    Using the public street as my driveway is okay. Having to have a permit to park in front of my house on a side street is silly, and cars being parked on either side of the street didn't impede traffic flow whatsoever in this case. The policemen didn't have much of a problem with it except an asshole neighbor called them constantly and complained so the bitchy person got what they wanted. This is also fail.


    I did fight the muffler issue. It was at the discretion of the citing officer, and their "expert" witness (also a policemen) and I had a chat about what BS it was that my sewing-machine got cited, but I was SOL without hiring an attorney and a 16-year old can't afford that shiz on $6.30/hour.


    Abuse of power is absolutely an ongoing issue with anyone in authority. I understand that policemen have to defend their actions and are under constant scrutiny, as they should be. Giving out BS tickets just to shut someone up or generate revenue is far worse in my opinion. The system in place is too established and too powerful to change without resources that are beyond the reach of joe-citizen.


    Cliff notes: The "man" is too powerful and you can already be cited for anything at anytime.

  10. seems like a great way to make criminals out of regular citizens, and/or open up cash revenue streams for the government and insurance agencies.


    I've been ticketed for passing on the right, having my car parked in front of my house too long, cracked trailer tires, and "excessive muffler noise" (on a stock cb750). I am one smooth criminal!


    More legislation is a bad thing. Can't police just write a ticket for "creating an unsafe condition" or "reckless op" or something at their discretion instead?

  11. lets ignore that police look at their computers when driving their cruisers.




    Also, there's no point in passing laws that won't be enforced. People already drive in heavy rain without their lights on, change lanes without signalling, etc. and the police I see don't seem to care. They're going to need to seriously staff up to catch all the dangerous villains dividing their attention while driving!


    I'd suggest it would be better to just take their license for life if they cause an accident while using a phone/whatever. While we're at it do the same for DUI.

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