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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. I pulled some records from a property that my wife and I own that has 10 solar panels on the roof. The system was installed prior to us buying the property and here's what it consists of.


    It's a small system (10 panels) and doesn't power anything specific like a pool or anything. All of the electricity to pushed on to the power grid for the electrical utility.


    The system is now 4 years old and out the door costs including installation was $7,200 (after all rebates). Original estimates were that there was a savings of about $50 per month, but it turns out that was actually low.


    The savings are difficult to measure because there are so many variables. However, the current tenants (it's a rental for us) have tracked their bills and today shared that they have been calculating it at roughly $75/month.


    One factor many don't take into account is panel cleaning. Dirty panels can cut production and the cost of cleaning often isn't included in the savings calculations. I have them cleaned twice per year, usually with other typical maintenance that I have done there.


    Now, many providers only offer leased system but on the system we plan on using on our home, I am likely going to assemble the panels on my own and buy the equipment outright again. Again, pricing of the panels today is 1/3 what they used to so I expect a much better ROI on the next system.


    Hope that provides you a bit more information.


    $75/month savings is outstanding. Is that in Ohio? Was that averaged out over the year or during a specific period? So they're generating around 600 extra kW per month I'd guess, and my ultra-rough mental math guesses your system is a 2 kWh (probably 10 200w panels)? The 2kWh systems are around $10k-$13k+ right now (not including installation) for name-brand panels, which would take a bit over 11 years to pay for themselves (just the cost of materials), assuming no maintenance, insurance, or repairs.

    The typical installed cost I was seeing awhile back was closer to $15k (for a 2kWh system, which is popular) so it looks like it has come down a little. You can see how at a $15k installed cost it would take 15+ years to pay themselves off, and given solar panels were estimated for 90% of rated generation for 10 years, 80% for 20 years, and generally a 25-year life cycle it didn't make much sense. Given I'm no expert, these figures are pretty rough.


    $7200 is pretty good, I'm assuming they were getting the 30% federal credit, plus some Ohio credit/rebate on top of that unless it's a smaller system than I'm thinking. It's definitely getting better.

  2. Yeah. There are a few companies in Texas that have done thousands upon thousands of wells and have 0 confirmed issues. Problem is, you can't get those guys to leave and come to this area to work. They are booming enough as it is there. Same thing in the Dakotas.


    Where do I sign up? Is this a cost-prohibitive industry to get into? Are there not enough trained and experienced personnel? The video said in PA they're adding 5 wells a day. Sounds like it is booming for sure, is the expansion just outrunning the oversight/regulatory powers?

  3. It's these shitty fly by night companies trying to get in on the boom that are fucking things up.


    Interesting. So it's another of THOSE issues. It's very difficult to find unbiased reports on these kind of issues, everything is so far to one side it all looks like bullshit.

  4. i see plenty of land for sale w gas and mineral rights.


    if you buy land, why would you do so without actually owning whats in it?


    Because Jim-Bob sees 200 acres of hunting land or cheap, and says "Hey I don't care if I don't own blah blah blah rights, I just want to hunt" and then has problems.

  5. Why is everyone without a Saab butthurt? lol..


    From GM:


    "In the event Saab cannot or will not fulfill its obligations to administer the warranty programs with its U.S. and Canadian dealers through Saab Cars North America or otherwise, GM will take necessary steps to ensure that remaining warranty obligations on Saab vehicles marketed by GM in the United States and Canada will be honored."


    That's for 2009 cars, and a few 2010s in non-America. Seems to me the big deal is the people who have 2010 and 2011 Saabs that now have no warranty. You'd be pissed if you bought a new car, had a major part failure, then the warranty didn't exist. I'm sure there will be a giant class-action suit and everyone will get checks for $37 in 10 years. Gives the attorneys something to do.

  6. Prediction: Nothing Kasich does in his term as governor will ever been look at in a positive light. Fuck him and fuck anyone who voted for him.


    He's done some positive things, but if you're a liberal democrat you're not going to like him.


    People are greedy and if there are valuable resources they will be exploited eventually. If your shit doesn't get fracked now, your kids will frack it, or their kids, and they will enjoy the profits/consequences.


    Or we could all just install solar panels, wind turbines, and generators and then the coal would be worthless? Is that what you're going for?

  7. he would have to cover his entire garage roof with solar panels to have a little more energy than required to run a window air conditioner


    Well yeah, if your window a/c uses 1000 watts you need a 1kWh solar array to support it running constantly (during sunlight) assuming 100% perfect efficiency. In retard-laymen's terms. Living on your own energy is doable, especially with a solar/wind/generator setup but major lifestyle changes are required.


    Hey, if you want to run a window a/c and a fridge here's a nice little 2.25kWh solar system for only $16.5k.amazon solar panel

  8. I just can't help but think of the Sienfeld issue where the girl looks different under certain lights..... :lolguy:


    Yeah, I thought of that as well. These girls look much better, good work. Also, I'm pretty sure this is false-advertising on some level.

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