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Everything posted by RC K9

  1. RC K9

    CCW in action

  2. Again, thank you so much for everyone's prayers. Update as of this afternoon: He landed at Walter Reed Army medical center yesterday at 4:30pm. My parents and little sisters drove there last night and I spoke with my dad this afternoon. My understanding is that all of his wounds have been taken care of (cleaned and dressed) he has had multiple operations, and will continue to have them every two days. He had a lot of internal organ issues resulting from shrapnel. With a majority of his skin missing from his entire backside (buttocks up through neck) the major concern is infection. This is a critical time for infection so that is what we are all worried about. He was running a slight fever this afternoon which indicates his body fighting infection. To be clear, he is NOT out of the woods yet. A lot can still go wrong. He still needs lifted up in prayer. If he can make it through without major infections his probability of survival goes way up. He comes in and out of consciousness. They allow him to be conscious for a short period of time before sedating him again. My father did get to see him today. This is an EXTREMELY emotionally trying time for all involved but especially for Matthew as he feels responsible for what happened and for what his family is going through. Before my father was able to respond and tell him that this is not his fault and they are very proud of him, they had to calm Matthew down and sedate him as he was beginning to breakdown emotionally which can also cause complications with the tubes down his throat and such. Please continue to lift Matthew, his wife Roxanne, and their 7 month son Kiernan up in prayer. I don't want to lose a brother, my parents don't want to lose a son, and he has a wife and child. Thank you again so much for the thoughts, prayers, and support. I will continue to update as I receive information. On a side note, my best friend Jesse leaves tomorrow morning to go back to Afghanistan (his 2 week leave is ending). He too has a wife and two sons. Please remember him as well. -Ryan Corlew
  3. Hey man. Thanks for the positive review, I really appreciate it. Clover is a very smart dog and we just scratched the sufrace of what she is capable of so if you decide in the future you want to take her training further, hit me up. Also I like I said when I dropped her off, if you have any questions or concerns at all pertaining to her training, hit me up and I will be happy to help you out. -Ryan
  4. He just arrived in Germany and hopefully they will be transferring him to Walter Reed tomorrow, if they are not able to transfer him tomorrow it will be Tuesday. My dad was able to talk to the nurse on staff and she gave him some details on his condition, and he is messed up. He just got out of the OR (again) and finished cleaning out all his wounds and closing them as best they can. He has some spinal fractures and his back is extremely messed up, from what I gathered a lot of flesh is shredded/gone. His gut was open too, allowing bodily fluids to spill into he rest of the body which is very dangerous. They got his major organs working again. One of the major challenges now is keeping infection out. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you. -Ryan
  5. would that buddy be interested in hooking anyone else up on a transfer? Vances charges $40 and I would rather not pay that...
  6. I like that she carries a gun. I love old people.
  7. This spot has one. Maybe Vances will transfer for you... http://www.onlinegundeals.com/Search/Results.htm?T=glock
  8. I have 3 of my own plus whatever client's dog(s) I have at any given time so I can't take her; otherwise I would consider it. She is beautiful. Good luck finding a good home for her. -Ryan
  9. Hey thanks for the feedback man. Let me know if your uncle changes his mind. As for the tuning, I think I may be convinced to go the Speed Density route...we shall see. -Ryan Corlew
  10. At 5 months old the dog is beyond puppy training or "puppy preschool" point. Puppy training should be between 8 weeks and 16 weeks; and the closer to 8 weeks the better. Definitely old enough to start actual obedience training, i.e commands. I actually just worked a 5 month old terrier mix who learned a LOT and caught onto the commands I taught her very quickly. I can start teaching the following on leash commands: Heel Sit Heel with auto sit Down at the side Sit from down at the side Sit and down from front Sit in motion Down in motion Square off 90 and Come In that order. Assuming you as the owner/handler follow through with solidifying these commands and wants to advance to off leash training/obedience we can do that too. Leash and collar lay the foundation for off leash obedience. I have worked with dog's that some people on here own and I believe they can speak for me and my abilities, and as I stated above, if I can't have the dog trained on the commands we agree on in the time frame I say I can do it in, you don't pay me or I continue working with the dog until the dog does complete the commands satisfactorily and don't charge for the extra time. This makes it so the client doesn't feel ripped off and helps me maintain an honest rep. I can also just work on behavior issues, i.e. jumping on people, excessive barking, etc. Pricing all depends on the individual client/dog and how far you want to take it. I do free evaluations so if you are seriously interested, PM me and I will come out to your residence an meet you, the dog, other family members, give you a chance to meet me, and if you want you can see my dog so you know I am not full of crap. Let me know. -Ryan Corlew Ryancorlew@gmail.com
  11. Link to progress report on my Brother Matthew. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=77591 FormulaMatt: PM sent.
  12. I just got off the phone and we got an updated progress report that he is now stabilized and was actually aware of what was going on and he was able to write a couple of notes with his right hand (left arm was shredded) asking where his wedding band is. He is still in a lot of pain but they are impressed with the progress he has made over the last 9 hours. He is no where near out of the woods yet but thus far he seems to be heading in the right direction. Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers and please continue to keep him in them. -Ryan Corlew
  13. It happened this morning iraq time. took about 10 hrs for them to call his wife to let her know the situation and she called my mom who called me and my father at work. I just found out he left the OR in critical condition and they have NOT been able to stabilize him yet. They can't fly him to Germany until he is stabilized. I can't express how much my family appreciates the thoughts and prayers. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
  14. brother just got hit with an IED in Iraq and is in critical condition. Any prayers for him are greatly appreciated. His name is Matthew Corlew. -Ryan
  15. Weird since you are not his dad but my parents were on the same page...It was established and understood from an early age for me and my brother's and sisters if you asked mom if you could do something and she said no, then you asked dad and he found out you asked mom first and she already said no, you got spanked. There was no division in my parents marriage and we kids learned that early on so there was no favortism when it came to us listening to one parent and not the other. Both were authoritative figures and we understodod that. Reasoning with a 3 year old is NOT going to work. He is 3! "It makes me sad..." means nothing to the kid. I watch this ish with my firend's kids and it's hilarious and frustrating because they spend all this time arguing with a child and it's not fair to the parent or the child. You tell the kid what you expect, he/she disobeys, he/she gets spanked, kid learns there are consequences to both good and bad behavior, and life goes on after 3 mintues instead of 30 minutes of arguing and everyone is happy.
  16. Hey man, thanks for the kind words. I will get back to you on when I can get Kreios in for some training.
  17. Did you ask Vances how long it would take them to get one in? They get shipents all the time...
  18. He thinks what he is saying is reality so I guess to him...he isn't lying...that's how he really perceives his life.
  19. Vances has a very nice Glock Selection.
  20. I have a marlin model 60 semi auto .22LR with stainless steel finish...really clean...let me know if you are interested.
  21. Right on...I got lucky too...my wife is a cute little blondie that carries a S&W .38 snub and wants to get a glock 26 or 27 sometime in the near future. She plays Halo with me too. Awesomeness. Chics like this are rare so if you catch one...hang on to her!
  22. Not sure what year but thought I would post it for you. Remembered you while looking through parts today. http://www.dsmsource.com/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=48545&cat=2
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