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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. Had to buy a battery for my mower this year too. It was only 2 years old but would not hold a charge for more than a few days.
  2. jeffro

    F-ing Tinder

    Isnt this how every episode of Dateline NBC starts?
  3. You are correct in your assumption that a firearm might not have stopped the threat. My point is, people are fucking crazy and there certainly are instances when having a firearm might come in handy. Much like car insurance. I have spent the last 6 years working in behavioral health (Disclaimer: not a clinician) and if there is one thing i have learned, it was my second sentence.
  4. Pussies. Chipotle is a godsend. And i'm not even religious.
  5. Its amazing to me how anti-gun people can be. "ZOMG YOU'RE SUCH A PUSSY, WHYS DO YOU NEEDS A GUNS TO PROTECTS YOUSELVES!?!" My reaction to those people: http://i.imgur.com/JpAkQRg.gif
  6. Never once received a call/text that wasn't warranted from them or any other rogue agency. Gave them my number many years ago. You can continue without selecting the accept offers button. Thank OP, in 4 one!
  7. If the john deere online parts catalogue isnt enough to convince you than i don't know what is.
  8. jeffro

    HF Compressors

    Damn, i thought i was doing good when the cashier offered to give me 20% off on something i didnt even have a coupon for.
  9. jeffro

    HF Compressors

    unfortunately the CP stuff only has a 90 day return policy, unless you buy the extended warranty.
  10. Insurance companies hate him! The one secret insurance companies don't want you to know about.
  11. So he sets up a go-fund me after the attack, then goes on vacation, then comes back broke. Odd. Still unfortunate about the insurance thing. PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. Why even bother paying for insurance these days if theyre just going to deny your claim 60% of the time?
  12. Where to get straw bales? North side plx.
  13. jeffro

    HF Compressors

    For anyone that references back to this thread... I changed the oil today in the HF compressor i picked up last month. I Put good Porter Cable compressor oil in it which went in perfectly clear. Id say this has about 30 minutes of run time on it. Definitely gross looking. http://imgur.com/a/XxIYK
  14. Used jd. Be patient and wait for the right one.
  15. Berliner or busch? Would absofuckinlutely love to play, but i got 99 problems and a bitch is all of them right now.
  16. Do yourself a favor and consolidate all of your posts in this thread into the original post. Last iroc i remember around these parts was the ogres iroc out in the berg. Cant remember the kids name for the life of me.
  17. jeffro

    TV Wall Mounts

    This is kind of what I'm wondering. If the arm extends enough to put the TV at 45* to the corner. Wally world sells them for under $100, and has excellent reviews. Reading the reviews didn't quite answer my question.
  18. jeffro

    TV Wall Mounts

    Anyone using a wall mount for a large tv (60+) in the corner? The way our living room is configured only leaves us with 1 option for the tv, which is in the corner. The stand we have now sticks out too far so a wall mount is going to be necessary. Searching around, i'm seeing the swiveling mounts, but not sure how something like that would work in a corner with a larger tv. Almost looks like it wouldn't reach. Will i need to make some sort of corner brace that gives the mount something to anchor to? I found this on google images to give you an idea. Id like to try to avoid this if possible. http://oldhousecrazy.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/old-house-crazy-diy-corner-mount-your-flat-panel-tv-without-300-bucks-05.jpg Thanks for the input.
  19. Step one. Uninstall Toshiba bloatware. Step two, Proceed uninterrupted
  20. jeffro


    Back is completely open. Also not pictured is a hole in the left side for a shop vac.
  21. jeffro


    lol. Between the plywood and the switch/box/power cord, i have about $20 in it. For a 12" disc sander you cant even get close to that, even for a used one. Id rather do it myself and make it the way i want/need it. I read that the 1/3 hp motor might be underpowered for this application, but i have zero problems with it bogging down under load.
  22. jeffro


    Spent the last few nights working on the disc sander. Started with a 1/3 HP motor i got for free. Began by building the mount for the disc. After a few minutes of research i discovered that a 1/2" pipe is just barely smaller than the diameter of the shaft i have. 10 seconds with a little round sanding barrel on my dremel and it slipped right over the shaft. Drilled a hole and tapped it for a set screw (first time tapping something, woo). The disc itself is just a piece of melamine i had laying around. Used pieces of paper as shims to get the wobbles out. http://i.imgur.com/EkvQc35.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nNGZvrP.jpg Next step was to begin building an enclosure for it. http://i.imgur.com/pXEzZsX.jpg Enclosure complete http://i.imgur.com/o5PZCa7.jpg Electricals complete. The only thing left is to finish the wood. Im having a hard time deciding if i want to varnish it or paint it. I am thinking some weird random color but i like the wood too. http://i.imgur.com/V2fGYKr.jpg
  23. Ill take that bench grinder and all the hardware. PMing now.
  24. jeffro


    Current project. Long way to go yet. http://i.imgur.com/P3JuczKl.jpg
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