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Posts posted by jeffro

  1. What's with the pocket hole hate? I'm new to woodworking, but it seems sufficient enough for quick projects. Granted, not as elegant as some fancy joinery nor as strong.


    Honestly curious.


    For entertainment purposes only...


  2. A coworker of mine gave me a free electric motor yesterday so if i get time this weekend i am going to turn it into a disc sander. Been wanting one, but dont really have the cash to drop on a good one and im not in the mood to buy a cheapo HF one. I imagine anything I make would be 10x better than most HF stuff.
  3. At a loss here and starting to get frustrated. Took all 4 wheels off just to get the hub caps off only to still vibrate at 60mph. Checked the rotors while i was in there and they're all straight as a can be. I am now on my 4th visit back and each time takes several hours out of my day. Getting old real quick.
  4. Update:


    Couldnt take it anymore so took it back this morning. Explained the sitch and they said they would road force balance them. Didnt know they had one there, but fingers crossed this fixes the issue. Will report back when i get the car back.

  5. What do you mean the Wixey won't work because of your floor? It's not just a digital protractor, it swings open like the one you linked.



    As far as table saws go, I would go with 220v with whatever you decide on. As mentioned above, how much space do you have? I would (and did) find an older Delta or Powermatic cabinet saw if you have the room. I haven't looked at many of the new hybrid saws but go with the forum reviews, not Lowes, HD, etc. Lumberjocks is great. The Wood Whisperer also has some good reviews, projects, etc.


    Also, Anderson's has their 20% off coupon this week. They sell Diablo blades

    Ah, i thought it used gravity to get the angle. my mistake.

  6. What exactly is the break in procedure for the HF compressors? I did not see it in my manual even after exclusively looking for it.


    mine has probably ran for about a half hour total now. Just change the oil? I have definitely noticed a change in color through the sight glass.

  7. Those looks great to me. joinery is critical if you're looking to do really nice work. I haven't had much of a chance to use it, but I recently bought a digital angle finder. http://www.amazon.com/iGaging-Digital-Protractor-Stainless-Bladed/dp/B00AEIB3Y0/ref=sr_1_6?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1456756790&sr=1-6&keywords=digital+angle+finder


    The difference between 44 and 45 degrees is huge. This way I can make sure to dial in the settings on the saws. Good blades make a difference as well. I'm not sure what blades I'm going with. Maybe Diablo. I'd love to get really good ones, but $100+ per blade is hard to justify.


    That is the kind of angle gauge i need. The wixey one wont work because i know for a fact my floor isn't even. $15 on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/7-Electronic-Digital-Protractor-Goniometer-Angle-Finder-Miter-Gauge-/140775658827?hash=item20c6e2154b:g:X9MAAOSw8lBTq1nA


    I have been having good success with the bosch kerf blades from menards. little tear out and no burn marks. Really don't see the need for anything more than that. I only paid like $25 for mine.


    PS- Johnsons paste wax is awesome. I picked some up yesterday to finish the table top with and its slicker than a whores %@$$&.

  8. Way beyond my scope of knowledge, so ill let someone else answer. I have been extremely happy with my cast iron 23 year old Craftsman.


    Yesterday i spent some time building some sleds. Saturday i tried to make something that involved 45* angles and it turned out bad, so figured some sleds would solve that issue. went with a basic design using 3/4" birch plywood and solid oak for the runners.





    While making the runners i figured it was a good time to make a zero clearance insert. On several occasions i have had little bits fall down into the opening creating a ruckus. Seen in the first pic above. Also made from oak

  9. Spent most of the day in the shop. Fuck i am addicted...


    Built some retractable casters form the table saw. Built a wine bottle bird feeder, and then made a rolling stand thing for the router. What happens when i run out of things to make?

  10. Very nice! I started mine almost a year ago and still haven't finished it.



    What's next on your list?


    Nice box. What miter slots are those?





  11. I'm looking to build a 10 port garage attached to a small apartment complex. Do you think this saw will do?


    From a business standpoint, yes. From a me being honest to you standpoint, doubtful.


    a couple of pics. Not picture but included is the blade guard and anti-kickback grabber things.


    Added pics in OP.

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