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Everything posted by Cereal_Killer

  1. Whats the NHRA rule on laptops in car during runs? I got kicked out just for having it in the truck, not even opened up and connected.
  2. Gears or a whole new rear end, 8.8's Ford's from explorers are direct swaps and come in 3.55, 3.73 or 4.10's with posi and disk brakes. IMO thats gonna be the only worthwhile upgrade to a 4cyl truck, its the only thing you could keep if you ever went V8. Now that mines tuned it makes a great DD, not the best at MPG's but fuck it, I'll give up mileage for fun.
  3. I needed 4 retainers for the camber adjustment bolts, its the part that goes on the head of the bolt under the front upper control arm to keep it from spinning so that you can loosen the nut to to add or remove shims during an alignment. You have to buy a 10 pack from GM, you cant get them individually. I have 6 more and will sell them for $5 for a pair.
  4. I'm using firefox, clearing cookies worked fine, thanks Justin!
  5. For the last few days my computer has been logging me out of forums every time I navigate away from the site. I always check the "keep me signed in" box too. Its not just here, its every forum I'm on. What did I do to make this happen? Sorry, put this in the wrong place.
  6. Funny as hell but snopes says that never really happened.
  7. Hmmm.. Oh well fuck it, its already broke, if I broke it more I guess thats god saying I need a PS3.
  8. Okay today my 360 Elite, yeah the black one with the 120gb HD, got the red circle. Being a bit of a computer geek (I run a hacked version of Vista on my laptop and a hacked version or winmo6.5 on my phone) I belong to the Microsoft forums. Anyway I found a suggestion to overheat the 360 to force a hard reset. I turned it on and wrapped it in 5 towels and left it for 2 hours. After I unwrapped it the circle was still red but after I rebooted it it worked! I was so fucking amazed. If anyone else suffers this tragedy its worth 2 hours to try it. Just wanted to share this with you all.
  9. Yeah I know, $26 for one but I thought maybe someone on here got one and then put an electric cutout on the end and didnt need the plate. Oh well.
  10. I need one of the metal covers that bolts onto the 3 bolt flange of an exhaust cutout.
  11. I'll leave that to Jeff to answer, I dont care but its up to him. It was a bomb ass deal though!
  12. I'll take it, I'm not gonna get that receiver from you though man, shits fucked up right now- We had /got to to break our lease cause we have went 4 days without water, 9 days without gas and 6 days without hot water all at different times in the 2 months we've lived here. So yeah, I dont dont really need to get that right now when I'm about to move, sorry if you held it from anyone. Anyway pm me your number again and I'll get the controller from you tomorrow or I'll be at Brian's Wednesday night.
  13. I need a OE Microsoft controller, not some off brand shit. Anyone got something cheap?
  14. I use a Samsung Omnia, the only reason I got it was cause it runs Windows, (and I'm a die-hard windows user) the first thing I did was installed a hacked version of WinMo6.5 (factory is 6.1) to unlock all the features VZW wants to charge for. I dont have a single complaint.
  15. 4 days ago I found a litter of 6 baby rabbits, the mother was killed in the street so I took them home, I figured they're gonna die anyway so why not let my snakes eat them. Anyway if you have a snake or other reptile that eats live and want to feed one of these you can have one, I have 2 ball pythons and they're not going to go threw them before the rabbits are to big to eat, they are the size of medium rats you buy at the store and have fur and are fully mobile. I am feeding them kitten formula so they stay healthy in the mean time. Also if you need something smaller I have some live birds too, my buddy has dibs on them for his Gilla Monster as of right now though. Lets not trash this post with animal rights shit, my snakes have the same rights, plus they would already be dead if I didn't pick them up. Dont ask for one just to let it go or try to raise it then let it go, its not going to make it, they cant eat food yet plus with no mother to learn from there's just no chance for them in the wild.
  16. Yes it was legal, my father had it done professionally a long time before he gave it to me, after receiving it I personally verified with the FCS that it is legal. I have also had it to Vances and they required the paperwork to be present before they would touch it, I know all about that head ache , trust me. The gun in that pic is not even 1/2 as long as mine and the front grip is not the same, the 2 grips on mine are identical. I will try to get a pic up. If anyone has any info please let me know and I can give you the direct number for the detective handling this case, or you can go about contacting the cops any other way you feel comfy with. thanks
  17. My Remington 870 was stolen, long story as to how but it is very recognizable with double pistol grips and a 16" barrel. I dont have the Serial # here at my house, my dad keeps it with all his gun related paperwork and hes out of town for 10 more day, if anyone sees or hears of it please call CPD, they have already taken a report. It was stolen from a house over off Hopkins Ave, near the Rt62 & Mound st. intersection.
  18. Sara's Civic is about to kill its 2nd tranny in 160k miles. I am thinking about swapping it to a 5 speed, I know what all is mechanically involved in the auto to manual swap but what do I do about the computer and harness. Anyone on here done it to this style Civic? What cars would I look for a tranny from, just a civic or others too? Its the 1.7l vtec-e, not the performance vtec.
  19. Jeff hooked me up last week on an AEM UEGO, best price anywhere too! Thanks man.
  20. No digital volt meter with continuity mode?
  21. I did a set I had once with the VHT stuff then used 10 coats of clear, held up for 2 years till I sold the car.
  22. Whats wrong with butternut yellow?
  23. I lol'd at the mustang crash, that was one year at mustang week and the next year there was another one that crashed the same exact way.
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