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Everything posted by Cereal_Killer

  1. Get right in the middle of the intersection facing north, on the 4th click the van will be parked at the pump, the 5th it is pulled up into a spot.
  2. It kept up with the cars okay in that short part. Where I use to work, witch will remain un-named, we did all the work on their vans. You know if your using that going north on Grandview ave at 33 and you continue north just past the intersection one of the frames is of the van sitting in the BP parking lot.
  3. I need a few MAC tools fixed but no one I knows has a MAC guy, Actually I think I have one matco socket too, does anyone have either? Preferably nearer to GC.
  4. I swapped my old 4th gen firebird to a v8 buying it piece at a time and let me tell you, after it was all done I really wish I would have just bought a totaled v8 car and done it like that. Would have been a hell of a lot faster and cheaper. Obviously I like the S10 idea too.
  5. the phone they give you is the ENVY touch, my lil sister just did it.
  6. Where can you buy the thick walled steel tubing that you use to make suspension parts out of, the kind that I would cut to length and tap the inside of for a rod end to thread into? Also what do I even ask for, does that kind of stuff have a name?
  7. Cereal_Killer


    Fuck yes, where do you go once you get to Rickenbacker, I've never been in there.
  8. Cereal_Killer


    I have heard they sell it at the PX at Rickenbacker, is that true?
  9. I agree with you but the story clearly states the chase started after police attempted to stop the car for a traffic violation, if it were a wanted felon, or a stolen car, or something more serious it would have said that. Would it have made it worth 7 lives, including 4 children, no but it would have been at least a little better. It says the 3 people in the car are unidentified, if they were wanted the police would have tried to make themselves look better by saying "hey, atleast there is one more suspected bank robber off the streets and released their names. You know they always brag when they get someone they want, like the other week when that guy hit the semi head on on 70 and got in a shoot out with CPD. Before the road was even open the LAPD had a team of detectives on a plane coming here and numerous press conferences set up to let everyone know. "Hey it took shutting down 6 lanes of traffic on a major freeway 2500 miles away in Ohio, a $100k semi totalled, hundreds of man hours and short notice airfare for a bunch of pigs but hey, we got our man."
  10. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2243176
  11. I have 2 6 foot Ball pythons in a 250 gallon tank, they are a mating pair but I've never had the eggs survive, I dont have an incubator and from what I've read about the only chance they have is to be removed and human hatched. Unless your planning on feeding live I think its pointless. I know a lot of people feed them dead things and that's about the only exciting part of snake ownership, watching the hunt/kill going down. Thats a nice looking one, where you getting it from? On 62 just north of grove city in the Zettler center there is a reptile store, that dude knows his shit, if you ever have problems I'd go to him even before a vet, hes always happy to give advice and help out.
  12. I need to borrow a hammer drill and a bit (the hole saw kind) to put a 2" PVC pipe threw my cinder block garage wall. Does anyone have one I could use for an hour or so, I know I can rent them but I'd rather give someone here a little beer money than Hoffman $40 for a few hour rental. If its a Milwaukee that takes the spline drive bits I dont even need a bit, I have that one. Or if you dont want to lend me it I could compensate you to swing by and do it. I know I'm relatively new around here but Dave and Derek can vouch, I'm not going to keep it or anything.
  13. I flashed to WinMo6.5 the yesterday, I'm having to fix some problems but I'm liking it so far. I found some people over on ppcgeeks that were having the same problem with their's doing the period to and thats one of the things said to have been fixed.
  14. Yeah I'm thinking of flashing to 6.5 as my other option, I had a different version of 6.1 on my old one (didnt tell vzw) but it was the GPS unlock release from Samsung, had a few other sweet things to like complete custom widgeds. I thought that might of been the problem so I didnt do it to the new one till it started the same shit on the factory rom. BTW hdBoobs doesnt work on my phone -
  15. After only 1 month of use I am thinking about getting a Storm to replace my Omnia. I'm having lots of problems with it but I do put a high workload on it. I'm always using it to log my wideband via a Bluetooth serial port, since its wireless I do it about every time I drive, just because. That or using it for a modem hooked to my laptop while away from home. Anyway I am finding a lot of bugs with it, most can be corrected its just annoying, but one thing really pisses me off. Its why I got the old one replaced. I'll be typing in a text field in the browser (both Opera and IE do it) and I'll type a random word and when I space at the end of the word it will put a period in the middle of the damn word. Words that do it dont always do it but it will do it till I restart the phone, then it may or may not do it if that makes sense. One exception is Zettler, every fucking time I type that it puts a period somewhere in the word. I use the regular keyboard, not XT9 or wherever its called. The change would be at no cost, Customer service actually recommended it. Will I like the Storm? Does it run WinMo programs? Is it overall easier to use? Not that I mind it but some say the Omnia and WinMo in general is not very user friendly. Does it show txt messages like an instant message or like regular, individual messages?
  16. Why not the flea market on W. Broad, I could even go there for you and grab something for $20 if you didnt have time, you know how to get a hold of me. I know its shady but I've always had good luck from there, knock on wood.
  17. Its all in my signature, the cam specs are with the 1.6RR's I'm running, the heads are port matched only but have other machining done to use screw in studs, guide plates and the springs recommended for my cam. I've looked back at my tune and the IFR's are correct for my fuel pressure, only thing I'm not sure about is the injector offset, does fuel pressure change offset?
  18. Its lower throughout, if you post or PM me your email I will send you a spreadsheet of the 2 tables, stock vs mine. Anyone that cares to take a look I will send them to you.
  19. I was working with Brian, thats whos dyno I had it on. Yes Rob, I have a cam. In some places its over 10% different. How can I post a spread sheet file?
  20. Both Idle and off idle, actually my idle VE is almost 30% lower than the stock idle VE. Idle AFR is 14.5, fluctuates a little though but idles good at 850, right where commanded. edit, now that I think about it my IFR might be a little lower than actual, I have fuel pressure set 2psi higher than stock but never changed the IFR in the tune, how do I figure IFR?
  21. Last week I had my truck up on the dyno and got the tune a lot better, the AFR is right where I'm commanding it and its running good. Today I compared my tune to the stock tune and my VE table is about 10% lower than the stock one. I dont understand how that can be, my motor is a hell of a lot hotter than a stock motor so how can it be less efficient?
  22. I need the washer! Mike, PM me and let me know what you want for it.
  23. I need a fuel pump for the wife's civic, if anyone has a used one around that worked and was replaced for other reasons that would be sweet, I dont know what all years would work but hopefully more than one. I dont have $120 to spend on a new one right now
  24. I had to do the same thing to my weekwacker this spring, took me about 5 times of taking it apart and cleaning it before it would stay running on its own.
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